I'm proud to announce that The Nine Lives of Summer, my 10th published book, and my 4th cat book, came out in paperback/ebook worldwide on 1st March 2023.
It is what is known as a 'crossover' title - a book for children (7+) AND adults, especially cat-lovers.
Reviews have been just so excellent - in YOUR CAT magazine and others, plus genuine reviews on USA Amazon, NetGalley, are mostly 5 and 4 star. As have sales worldwide, paperback & ebook. So
many people have praised it for being refreshing, and NOT being a slushy, gooey, saccharine, overly sentimental, babyish book as so many cat stories are; like my A Cat Called Dog books, it
is funny, warm, dark at times, a tale that'll make you laugh and cry - proper storytelling. I dislike most cat books because they are slushy, often with a gooey cod-spiritual angle - I deliberately
did NOT want that when my cat lives through 9 lives (which of course means 8 deaths).
March was the 10th anniversary of the publication of the first, A Cat Called Dog, which is still very popular - it spawned a shorter child-friendly version and a sequel A
Cat Called Dog 2 - The One with the Kittens (2017) - which, for some unknown reason, is borrowed from UK libraries a lot (2nd of my borrowed books; SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE is number 1). Film
rights/options interest for all of them.
That is what is great about books - they are born & remain. A bit like paper children who go on to live lives of their own, which you, the mere author/birth parent can't control even if you
want to, just as you can't decide what meaning readers read into your stories.
Books LAST and are there for evermore. I love that. Unlike all the drivel and dross online, all the pointless reviews by attention-seeking talentless BS merchants on amoral tax-dodging
exploitative Amazon and its subsidiary Goodreads. That's all just pointless noise, signifying nothing, and as disposable as bog roll. Books matter and they remain. Reviews by self-appointed clueless
semi-literate uneducated reviewers matter not. Online reviews are just NOISE. Like farts. And just as permanent. But...
I am SO proud to have published 10 books since 2010. They'll still be there in 10, 20, 50, 100 years to be read and enjoyed. YAY!
That is well over half a million well-written words, by the way, bought & read by diverse readers worldwide (esp Germany & Scandinavia for some reason, and of course USA and Canada).
Plenty of famous fans too: politicians (MPs, lords), journalists, household names (David Attenborough sent me 12 hand-written letters, Vera Lynn emailed me when she was 101 years old (I have
evidence for my cyberstalker hater who claim I lie about that and other praise from famous people), Lady Anne Dodd and Ken before his passing, Julia Baird - John Lennon's sister, Delia Smith, David
Bellany, Jeremy Corbyn & union leaders, Boris Johnson when Mayor of London et al. The largest creative agency in LA even got in touch. Yup, Hollywood! If it happens, it happens... For now, most
of my books are in UK libraries and often in libraries in the USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy and more.
And...I've just received a LOVELY contact from a reader/cat fan in the Far East inviting me to visit, which is great! Japan, South Korea, maybe more. Watch this space for news. I had NO idea I had
even readers there until today!They adore all my 4 cat books. So my next book tour probably, next year. Better start brushing up my Japanese! I'm not such a fan of the food, to be honest, but I'll
try anything! When in Rome...
My books are in so many libraries worldwide. All 10 of my published books - plus a special limited edition private print-run of 30 copies of my middle grade children's novel DINOSAUR JOE which is
now in several UK primary school libraries and the Michael Palin Centre for Stuttering too (because the main character overcomes his own stutter with the dinosaurs!)
My SANTA GOES ON STRIKE is much-loved by kids and adults and in so many primary schools, in UK, Italy, France, Canada, and was featured on TALK RADIO EUROPE in their Christmas Eve show, read aloud
by the wondrous Hannah Murray who has also interview me 7 times now on the BOOK SHOW, about THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER and THE LOVED ONES poetry book too, plus my novels RASMUS and SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE
and my A CAT CALLED DOG books).
All my much-loved cat books, child-friendly versions and crossover titles like THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER are in primary schools too, libraries and lessons. YAY! Kids can cope with them - they
are STORIES, where children LEARN that life is not all pink and fluffy babyfication, as life has death within it, bad things happen, people cope. THAT is what all children need in stories, as Walt
Disney knew. We know. The hysterics demanding trigger warning need to silenced, frankly - they instill anxiety in kids and stunt their devlopment. Their demand to trigger warning everything and treat
children like babies is promoting child abuse and mental illness in the young really - and WHO ARE THEY to pass judgment? Self-appointed finger-wagging nannies, uneducated and clueless. Challenge
their narrative - it is nuts, like many of them tbh.
In the midst of life we are in death. Deal with it. GROW UP!
I have readers all over the world now who spontaneously get in touch from time to time, by email or Twitter-X or occasionally via this author website. I know my books MOVE people, emotionally
connect with them - or as one deranged hysteric reviewer says, they 'trigger' them. GOOD! All that psychobabble word means is a book MOVED PEOPLE EMOTIONALLY which is evidence of an author
SUCCEEDING! Doh! Those parroting psychobabble words are always so clueless! Less bright than parrots. All my books have something to say, which is my AUTHOR VOICE together with comedy (often
Some big fans in Germany - I may visit there again next year. I've been a few times, several cities (Berlin, Bochum, Dortmund), but many years ago, and my German is ropey (trying to brush it up
now with a LEARN GERMAN course). BUT I could do more Nazi and WWII research for future crime thrillers I plan to write; & I've never visited Hamburg (where my 4th cousin twice removed was the
posh British officer in charge post WWII) and Nazi home city Munich and all Bavaria, so...looking forward to it. I shall research the sequels for my NAZI CRIME THRILLER set in the 1980s which is a
work in progress (on draft 6 now, will edit after professional report advice). I shall also share on German TV my experience of the UK becoming a pc gestapo police state, with growing anti-Semitism.
I also hope to visit Israel next year to meet a beautiful, brave people in THEIR homeland. I shall use the big compensation I shall be receiving - for being the target of an anti-Semitic racist
hate campaign, and sustained harassment and abuse online, and more - to travel there (oh the sweet SWEET irony, and then some). I may live and work there in future. We'll see. Best visit first!
Holiday ahead.
When there, I shall certainly share my experience of being attacked by malicious hatemonger anti-Semites in the UK who accuse anyone supporting Israel/Jews of racism & even manage to mobilise
corrupt UK police in their obsessive hate campaigns of revenge against their victims, those who expose their deranged malicious mendacious hateful racist anti-Semitic instincts (a news story soon,
watch this space). I shall no doubt be interviewed by the Israeli media/TV, as well as Jewish media in the UK, and many other national media outlets including TV. I am not a natural public speaker
BUT can do it, as I have done TV/radio interviews galore before, so will, when I visit Israel. I shall tell my story about the anti-Semitic-inspired abuse I have suffered online for a year now and
the systemically anti-Semitic UK police force with its appalling bias & two-tier policing. FOR SHAME! Hating Jews/Zionists/Israel is NOT 'progressive' at all, NOT 'liberal', NOT 'tolerant' or
'diverse'. It is Nazi-ism. Accusing a supporter of Israel who defends Jews of racism is sick, and the haters will be exposed by the media for their bare racism.
These hater troll cyberstalker bully types claim that if you dare criticise (e.g. on Twitter) anyone of colour & faith, then you are racist - EVEN IF you are criticising a racist anti-semitic
mob of mostly Asian Muslims targeting a branch of KFC for the crime of feeding chicken to Jews (as I did on Twitter; I criticise plenty of people NOT of colour or faith - makes no difference to me;
their hypocritical anti-Semitism and the way our #twotierpolice ignore their crimes is what matters). My hater troll took a screenshot that as 'evidence' of my 'racism' and made a malicious complaint
motivated by revenge - and the police sided with her. That makes them culpable and I shall sue and sue hard, for that and SO much else. The media shall have it all, and publish it, and make this a
news story - about my own personal Baby Reindeer cyberstalker!
I literally hate no-one and nothing - and I am baffled as to why some deranged individual has chosen to attack me, for months, online with a real hate campaign of revenge and defamation. It's been
a truly bizarre experience - unpleasant, yes, but also informative and inspiring. My next novel will be based on my lived experience. WATCH THIS SPACE. Half-way through it now, 35000 words done.
I recently watched a great film - SICK OF MYSELF (2022, Norway) - which shows the EXACT psychopath cyberstalker malicious deranged maniac type who has been attacking, harassing, abusing, trolling,
stalking, defaming me online, on MY book pages on GOODREADS especially, for a whole year now, as it started on 28th August 2023 and last activity was 18th August 2024. Wow! Just WOW! and
UPDATE: AGAIN on 13/9/24 when my hater posted a new review for THE LOVED ONES, my much-praised poetry book that I CAN PROVE my hater DID NOT BUY OR READ even in page reads via Kindle. Wow. OVER A
OVER a year of hate and abuse spewed at me by the obsessive cyberstalker triggered because I dared criticise a deranged mentalist hysterical defamatory review of my BEAUTIFUL book THE NINE LIVES
OF SUMMER on MY BOOK PAGES on Goodreads (what sort of crazy person gets triggered by a cat book?). SO obsessive, hateful, deranged. I mean, WHY BOTHER? WHAT sort of person does that?
WHAT is the purpose of all this? Envy? Because I am a successful author of 10 books & my hater is not an author; despite claims they were writing a novel 8 years ago, has publishing NOTHING
and is thus not an author, just a bullsh*tter blagger, one of many online - ANYONE can say they are going to write a novel or do something, but it means nothing unless you actually DO IT as I have.
is is the PSYCHOPATH playbook with narcissitic personality disorder - that deranged delusional projected reality which bears no relation to actual reality, 'vindictive and vengeful, obsessed with
destroying anyone who goes against them'. Very odd, to be honest. Very nasty. Never seen anything like it before, except in films. Text book mental.
Another great film is Britflick TYPIST ARTIST PIRATE KING (2022) - the main character reminded me SO much of YOU-KNOW-WHO, esp with that northe-east accent, the meltdowns, rage, triggering,
deranged delusions. BUT the Audrey Amiss real-life character in that story is in general a nice person - yes she is disturbed and obsessive and yes, really off her head mental bonkers as a paranodid
schizophrenic (not the only one it seems), an adopted Londoner often arrested in life for civil disturbance (even deported from China when on her travels with her mum, so not short of cash). BUT she
is NOT malicious, snide, spiteful, nasty, hateful, vengeful, vindictive, bullying - she does not initiate and instigate a hate campaign of revenge against an innocent person who has somehow triggered
her by having an opinion. I have great sympathy and compassion for those suffering mental illness BUT NONE for those who become violent or abusive. That is different. Then a line is crossed.
They need calling out, exposing, arresting maybe, legal action to stop them & make them pay damages to those they have maliciously attacked.
I reserve my right to be horrible to horrible people spouting vile abuse at me. I refuse to tolerate the intolerable always (unlike #twotierpolice turning a blind eye to bare anti-Semitism and
racism, and abuse of an innocent author by his deranged attacker).
But such is life...My stoicism gets me through that as it gets me through everything. In need no spiritual pink fluffy woowoo like my deranged hater. And I always defeat my enemies &
attackers in the end. I ALWAYS win wars others start against me. Be aware.
THE WHOLE VICTIM THING IS A LIE as it says in that Norwegian film. That is what one must accept about such people (usually women) - it is the psychopath, narcassitic personality type weaponising
lies to get revenge on men. That is all. Boring really. Endless attention-seeking, playing the victim, manblaming often, fake concern of a deeply disturbed sick individual perpetually playing the
victim. Sadly, police and authorities always believe women who weaponise lies for revenge - at first anyway. Later, in court, or the media, NO. Not with all the evidence I have.That is where truth
will out. And I have all the evidence I need if it ends up there (at vast pointless public expense).
It is all disgustingly insulting, abusive and offensive and causes me severe alarm and distress, making this a possibly criminal matter - private prosecution possible too. It is harassment,
malicious communications and defamation.
Those who make such claims WILL be exposed and no doubt the media will name & shame them, get their faces on TV. But I shall be contacting no-one directly and doing nothing - (and I have NEVER
EVER stalked or threatened anyone and never have SO the claim made that I did is DEFAMATION and deliberate criminal activity) - the Great British media will do that. Expose the liars and
fakers. Over to them...
I shall give anyone a TV/radio/press interview about this - I love TV/radio interviews, so direct and honest, press interviews can distort and misquote imho.
Press can just contact me by email acatcalleddog@hotmail.co.uk any time.
Phone number on request.
More compensation due when I sue Goodreads in the USA - I have my list of 10 possible San Francisco attorneys to sue Goodreads/Amazon for enabling a hate campaign of revenge against me by one of
their top reviewers who tried so hard to wreck my writing career, trash my reputation, maliciously destroy my life. SO they came at me. NOW it is my turn. My abuser's name will become synonymous with
a deranged psycho attacking at author - My Own Personal Baby Reindeer. All for what? Obsessive revenge from a deeply disturbed and hateful individual? WHY? Pointless.
Just read THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER - so diverse and international, visits 12 countries, Africans in Spain, Aborigines in Australia, African-Americans in a diverse international travelling circus
in the USA. Racist my foot! My ACCUSER would seem to be a real racist, hates Israel/Jews. I have all the poisonous liar's tweets and posts online. EVIDENCE APLENTY. No amount of listing pro-Israel
books on Goodreads will change that or delete the massive amounts of evidence I have in screenshots.
HOW my writing that beautiful cat book in 2020 and publishing it in March 2023 caused a deeply malicious probable psycho to incite hatred against me for months in such a deranged way, I do not
know. It is nuts. NO author I have talked to has experienced anything like it. Ever. We all get bad reviews, revenge ones, fake ones, but not this. I shall be writing articles about this with names
changed for the press, for sure, for which I shall be paid.
The media will be given ALL details, ALL text, ALL abuse, defamation, abuse, maliciouslies spouted at me - by someone who seriously thinks a cat dying in a story means the author is guilty
or 'promoting animal abuse'. Yes, really. SERIOUS LOONYTOONS! I suppose Walt Disney also promoted animal abuse in Bambi, Dumbo and 101 Dalmations. WHAT ROT! Just insane.
What has happened is almost incredible. I wrote a BEAUTIFUL amd much-loved crossover cat book which all reviewers loved - except ONE hater who claimed my book could cause trauma in readers and is
a threat and danger to children, and by implication, the hater accused me of that too. NOT ON. And against Goodreads rules.
GOODREADS chose NOT to remove that racist hate, abuse and disgusting defamation, NOT to apply their own rules to the selfappointed 'top reviewer', SO are culpable IN LAW for enabling hate -
and I shall see them in court in the USA in the next year or two. IF Goodreads had enforced their own rules fairly and consistently, they would have removed my hater's initial review when I
complained about it 3 times before challenging it (and maybe banned the hater for life from Goodreads, which may still happen when they reinstate me after the US court case). They did not and sided
with my abuser many of whose hate posts are STILL on MY BOOK PAGES after 4 of my books - STILL THERE after many months, inciting hatred against me from third parties. That makes Goodreads/Amazon
culpable for enabling a hate campaign - I plan to sue them for a 7 figure sum for damage to my career, health, wealth, reputation and future earnings. This is a war I shall win.
SO I reported that review 3 times and the odiously amoral and corrupt Goodreads did not act, SO I replied to the loon who made the bizarre accusation in a review. I did not know then that the
reviewer would be SO triggered by my daring to challenge that absurd deranged review that they'd spend the next few months spewing thousands of word of vile abuse against on on MY BOOK PAGES on
Goodreads and on Amazon, posting fake trash reviews for my other books they have not read, THEN claiming that they are somehow the victim and I am the cyberstalker abuser. ALL EVIDENCE SHOWS THE
OPPOSITE AND THE TRUTH. But well, now I shall enjoy my abuser get hoist by its own petard, in public, and have legal cases to pursue for damages.
ALL because I wrote and published a lovely cat book which some hater claimed caused trauma. HOW PATHETIC!
In late December 2023, the police demanded my abuser remove the 3000 words of abusive comments left after my THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER bookpage on Goodreads which the hater deliberately and
maliciously HIJACKED (by inciting third parties to all complain to Goodreads at the same time about me) to harass, abuse, malign, and defame me (I have copies and screenshots of ALL 5000 words - just
shocking, my obsessive loony cyberstalker will see ALL those read in court and published in the media, so CANNOT pose as a victim in the face of the truth). It is MY BOOK PAGE. MINE. Hijacked by a
hater, with the blessing of corrupt Goodreads JUST BECAUSE she is a 'top reviewer' (any idiot can write free reviews) of 1300 reviews over 12 years - had she not been, Goodreads would have removed
their disgusting posts and banned her. Such bias is wrong.
On 23 December 2023, after police warned my abuser and told them to remove the abuse they POSTED THIS WHOPPER LIE below claiming they chose to remove them. WHAT A PIECE OF WORK! WHAT A LIAR! I
mean, WHY BOTHER? WHY bother targeting an author for months with abuse on HIS book pages - THAT IS HARASSMENT, with an INTENTION (main part of the law) to cause alarm and distress, to trash an
author's reputation (on HIS book pages on the largest author website in the world), to wreck his writing career & incite third parties to join that hate campaign of revenge to bully & stalk
him, leave bad reviews, like the hater's 1* reviews (fake one too). Illegal - as is lying to police (they claim to have read my poetry book - I can prove with publisher data they did not). A
deliberate malicious targeted hate campaign against an innocent author done for bare revenge, by a deranged hater triggered by their pathetic hysterical review being challenged (as it should have
been and I would do the same again). As is lying to police, with-holding evidence, obstructing justice. Remember, THE WHOLE VICTIM THING IS A LIE:
After the long and still ongoing saga with this Author I decided to delete some of my comments
that were on this thread. I didn't realise you could until I found out you can only do it from a laptop and I use my phone app. I finally got fed up of everything I say and do online on different
websites being reposted on the internet in various locations by him for months now.This thread reads one-sided anyway as Goodreads removed his early nasty posts pretty fast so it won't make sense to
anyone reading this thread.
OH so you got fed up?
What, fed up of the hate campaign of revenge you pursued against me ON MY GOODREADS BOOK PAGE - MINE, NOT YOURS - inciting third parties to join it, ALL BECAUSE you got TRIGGERED by my criticism
of your DERANGED review of my beautiful book?
Fed up of the thousands of words of abuse YOU posted on MY bookpages on Goodreads being copied and pasted by me. well, YOU WROTE THEM on MY book pages. Why? Why hijack MY book pages? I just copied
and pasted YOUR HATEFUL ABUSIVE WORDS which YOU posted on MY book pages on Goodreads with a real pattern of hate and harassment.
Fed up of your cyberstalking and harssing me on 4 of MY book pages on Goodreads (not yours coz you have one because you are NOT AN AUTHOR) and 2 on Amazon, posting up to 10,000 words of abuse
against me including real defamation and lies on MY BOOK PAGES? WHY? I mean, WHY? WHY NOT LEAVE ME ALONE?
WHY would anyone DO that? WHY? I mean, WHO DOES THAT? What sort of person? PSYCHOPATH? The police then obviously told you on 16th April 2024 to stop posting, sneakily and evilly editing and
renewing your poisonous hateful reviews of my 2 books on Goodreads so they get high up in your Goodreads feed - your intention as ever was and is to incite third parties to hate on me, to join your
hate campaign of revenge against me, to trash my lovely books out of loyalty to you as your 'fwends' (you seem to have 25, most older lonely women in the USA). How sad. Police have FULL details as
does my lawyer, and the media will have it all too.
So you CANNOT LIE and play the victim, not when you are the perpetrator, and I am proven the victim. The HATE CAMPAIGN OF REVENGE I have suffered from this deranged maniac psychopath cyberstalker
is jawdroppingly awful - ALL BECAUSE the hater was triggered that I responsed to a disgusting deranged review on MY BOOK PAGE on Goodreads. MY BOOK PAGE. Not yours. And yet the hater hijacked it,
HIJACKED MY BOOK PAGES ON GOODREADS, then mounted a hate campaign of revenge against me - via Goodreads, Amazon (where they got triggered by ONE 1 * review). TRUTH WILL OUT.
And then the hater posted abuse for 4 of my books on Goodreads - they read one, 9 LIVES OF SUMMER, for free thanks to MY generosity on NetGalley (which has NOT banned me - another lie there) - and
claims they were SO traumatised by a cat death that they read about 7 more deaths to finish the book. ALL A PROVEN LIE THEN, ALL THE USUAL VICTIM POSE. So they loved the trauma so much they went back
for more? LIAR EXPOSED AGAIN, all fake. Fake pain, fake autism, fake illness, fake disorders, fake pity party, FAKE author (the hater is not one - so ENVY may be the root of the hate campaign against
me as I have published 10 books since 2010).
I can PROVE my abuser's review of my lovely poetry book THE LOVED ONES is fake - no-one bought the ebook or read more than 12 pages when THE LIAR claims she did. She told police she did. Ergo SHE
LIED TO POLICE. Very serious crime, that - lying to police. I CAN PROVE THE HATER DID JUST THAT. as publisher of my last 3 books via my own publishing house (NOT self-published then) I have access to
FULL DATA of eBook sales, free or paid for, AND Kindle Unlimited page reads (only 12 page reads! SO lie that the hater read The Loved Ones PROVEN. QED), plus dates, locations, countries. I can also
tell who accessed my author website, when, and where they are based - on certain dates (10th/11th September) there are spikes with many hits from north-east England. Hmmm. More evidence of stalking
by my obsessive abuser right there. I LOVE digital data. Courts do too.
As the hater intended, their constantly updating reviews (last time 18/8/24) gets them high in their Goodreads feed to INCITE OTHERS to join her hate campaign against me in 1* reviews and
comments, and so they reply to one fwend hater (who has not read the poetry book) as shown below. NEITHER has read the book. 'Honest reviews'. ROTFLMAO. And NO attempt to hide that 18/8/24 trash 1*
review of THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER by reviewing loads of new books on one day will work - as I have screenshots! That is NEW ACTIVITY in law. Aimed directly AT ME on MY BOOK PAGE on Goodreads. I, on
the other hand, have not come at my abuser at all, not since early September 2023 and my reason for doing so was to try to STOP the obsessive hate campaign against me by what I now know is probably a
deeply disturbed, deranged, obsessive hater who just WILL NOT STOP spewing abuse at me. And the previous abuse and lies is mostly STILL THERE on Goodreads under 4 of my books. After a year almost.
WHAT SORT OF PERSON even does that? A stalker? A psychopath?
Here the hate liar abuser stalking me also claims my qualifications are fake. A serious allegation based on NO truth whatsoever. 1 of 12 points of defamation she is getting sued for now, plus the
private prosecution and possible arrest by police (IF they ever choose to do their job properly and fairly in the interests of justice).
Reading the whole lot was not
easy and with such highly claimed qualifications this doesn’t lined up with someone with a Degree in English Lit, Creative Writing or many other degrees. Even teaching to young students this isn’t
the type of material they’d study from. It’s far to simplistic and basic compared to magnificent poetry available both classic and modern.
Also, my satirical novels (too educated and difficult for many) demand ALL people abide by the SAME rules and values - none promotes hate or racism at all. My hater took time to find my other
novels on Goodreads, by PJ Vanston, on a SEPARATE page (SO they had to make an EFFORT to find me there and spew that hate at me), then replies to reviews over 4 years old with snide nasty defamatory
comments. AGAIN how can she say 'honest review' when the hater has not read the book! Proven liar. The opposite of 'honest'.
That’s a pretty honest review
Jeni. I find it interesting you mention the character of a white man and his tears more than once. What gave you that impression?
SO racism and sexism from the deranged hater, replying to an equally deranged wokie-dokie wally Jeni who reviewed my book 4 years ago! THAT is inciting a third party to hate. Right there. One
example of many on Goodreads and Twitter X. Nasty. Vindictive. Just SNIDE.
And again, for my RASMUS - A TELEVISION TALE NOVEL by PJ Vanston from 2016:
Shockingly the themes of
violence and ugly events are also in his children’s book The Nine Lives of Summer. I had to review it with a possible trigger warning for children and some adults due to the animal cruelty. If you
look at social media posts the hatred of certain groups of society (racist is an understatement) spills over into his writing. I’ve read a lot of reviews of this and other books on Amazon and many
say similar to yourself. I think I’ll read this to see for myself.
Defamation right there from my hater and the enabler GOODREADS, attempt to wreck my writing career and trash my reputation. An attempt to incite a third party to trash my 9 LIVES OF SUMMER book -
under another name, Jem Vanston. A hateful snide strategy from a proven obsessive bully and snide malicious obsessive cyberstalker.
CLAIMING I am racist? THIS WILL BE READ IN COURT to show what you are, I PROMISE. I am no racist, but from your tweets we can see that you do seem to be rather anti-Semitic. YOU do not get to
decide what is racist or anything else. AND YET you post on MY BOOK PAGES. Not yours. WHY? Ah yes you are a non-author so have no book pages SO YOU HIJACK MINE. 4 of them. Police have ALL PRINT-OUTS
so they can see what you are now too with FULL evidence, not selected screenshots. You started a war, to attack and destroy me - you failed. And you do not get to decide when the war ends, as
Israel says too. I decide. And only when I have truth and justice (not revenge, as that is not my aim) and adequate compensation for the abuse & harms I have suffered will this end, which may
take years, court cases, much media coverage. So be it. I am prepared.
AND on Twitter - my hater started a new X account in October 2023 JUST TO SPEW ABUSE against me; she ended that account in July 2024. No matter. I have screenshots of EVERYTHING including the
massive anti-Semitism and yet more incitement of third parties to join a hate campaign against me.
Just one example of many here to show how my hater incites third parties to join their hate campaign of revenge against me:
On @X, 18th April 2024. From my hater's account (now closed)
Can you post my question for me? If an NT person was constantly saying online that your Autism was not real, was something many women use to get sympathy, one of many “invented”
conditions how would you feel and respond? Will you stand with me against one man?
No need for my hater to mention my name on @X. EVERY MENTION of 'the author' or 'this man' means me, as is obvious in context. Done to incite third parties to hate on me, as with my hater's trash
review of my poetry book and comments after my two PJ Vanston books, and all the 5000 words of abusive comments on MY BOOK PAGE on Goodreads after my THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER book.
Defamation includes: my hater accused me of threatening them and their son (LIE, one repeated by police, which is a LIE from them too so that is legally actionable as well); my hater accused me
and my books of causing trauma and being a threat and danger to children (disgusting lie); accused me of racism (who the hell is she to do that, being an uneducated moron?) and my books of promoting
hate and racism (gosh, LIE LIE LIE - the opposite is true and still online in her comments on Goodreads as of August 2024); accused me of misogyny (yawn, but the twisted bitch is too thick so cannot
spell the word); accused me of selling 'hardly any books' (PROVABLE LIE); accused me of faking my qualifications and degree (LIE, and still online on Goodreads comments as of August 2024); accused me
of faking my reviews from famous people (lie, I have physical evidence, email from Vera Lynn, letters etc); accused me of disability hate speech and crime - because I refused to OBEY the deranged
maniac professional victim demanding I accept their SELF-diagnosis of 300 fake disorders, some not due to be invented until a week next Wednesday; accused me of targeting anyone who leaves a one star
review of my book with a hate campaigh (provable lie - I've had revenge reviews of 1* before though none by a PSYCHO of this level; indeed it is my hater who gets triggered by ONE 1* review for their
pathetic horror short story effort a decade ago - that is why they targeted me on Amazon like the vengeful narcissitic personality disorder obsessive they are); accused me of ANIMAL CRUELTY (wow,
just wow!) and of promoting it in my books (JUST because my STORY features a cat dying. ffs WHAT A LOONY!). So all that, all of it, ready and prepared to reveal in court and in the media - who will
LOVE THAT, especially when I reveal the false claim of racism from someone whose tweets shows they hate Israel and quite possibly Jews. An anti-Semite accusing me of racism, Yup.
The press is GONNA HAVE A FIELD DAY! Jewish press first. Then TV.
So here it is, the hater's LAST comment on my - MY - book page on Goodreads for THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER. The last of 16, and 5000 words of vile comments in total. On MY book page, hijacked by the
hater. Police have this, by the way and now realise the hater deliberately hid her hate campaign against me from them when reporting me. Withholding evidence is a crime, as is obstructing justice, as
is harassment as is wasting police time and lying to police.
THIS from 2.12.24 on MY BOOK PAGE on Goodreads. Here in full is the filth spewed by my hater, such an abusive harassing deranged obsessive psycho stalker:
2 days ago
Be aware if you give any of this
Author’s books a critical review you could be subjected to months of online abuse, threats, disgusting names (think of the worst and they are all there), hate speech and so much
more. Absolutely ridiculous hate campaign over one little review. I don’t want anyone to go
through it like he’s targeted me. It’s not like I could destroy his career like he’s stated when there are hardly any reviews anywhere for any of his books, very low
sales and reviews from years ago reposted over and over. Just be careful. I’ve not retaliated in anyway but if I shared screenshots with the world he’d be shown for what he really is. I don’t
know if his reaction to my one review is flattering? What a waste of months of energy, hatred, anger he has used up. But if you see the racism, mysogyby, hatred and
vile social media posts about many walks of society you see it’s not just at me. It’s at the world in general. Telling one woman who contacted me on Twitter that he messaged her years back
hoping she’d die from her cancer. He also said that as I’d died nearly twice in surgery (true) “third time lucky eh?”
Who posts ugly vile things under your account for your motivational quotes book! PR nightmare. Like anyone wants to buy that now. I realised a lot of people have come under attack, not just me. So I
hope he can get some healing genuinely for whatever has made him like this. In a prison of anger and hate. I’m proud I’ve walked the higher ground and never reacted,
responded, posted in response to any of it. Bullies eventually move on to the next victim when you are no fun to target. Just don’t let it be you. I’ve never ever in years of reading and
reviewing and promoting books, representing hundreds of Authors warned anyone of an Author. Never. That speaks volumes. Feel free to read any of them or read reviews of his other books on here or
Amazon if just this one isn’t for you. I read and reviewed his poetry book too. Didn’t like that either and explain in detail why.
Lies lies lies lies lies lies and lies. EVERY ONE A LIE - the hate campaign of revenge has ALL BEEN FROM MY ATTACKER as all evidence proves. "I've not retaliated at all"? ROTFLMAO! FFS deluded -
this is the 16th comment on my THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER bookpage, all abuse directed AT ME by name, SO TARGETED HARASSMENT, 5000 words in total in 16 comments (I have copies,SO THERE. You cannot deny
"I’m proud I’ve walked the higher
ground and never reacted, responded, posted in response to
any of it. "
FFS that is so very deeply dishonest.
THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED. My hater wrote a repulsive review of MY beautiful 9 LIVES OF SUMMER bookl (which all normal people love!) saying it and me were a threat and danger to children, and could
traumatise readers. AGAINST Goodreads rules all that, so I complained - 3 times. Shamefully the amoral Goodreads did nothing, did not remove the review as they should have - I now know that is coz
the hater is a socalled 'top reviewer' (1300 free copy reviews in 12 years) so got prefential treatment from Goodreads/Amazon (that means I CAN SUE THEM for big 7 figure compo as they are not only
negiligent but complicit in a hate campaign of revenge against me my the hater, their top reviewer).
So I replied to the hater's review, said why it was unacceptable,. I did not know then that the reviewer was a PSYCHOPATH NARCISSIST and such people are triggered by any challenge, as they have
delusions of grandeur and think that matter (reviewers of trash ebooks and soap on Amazon DO NOT MATTER and the hater's appeal to an imagined audience is like a loony talking to themselves - no-one
listening or replying!)
And so the triggered hater then spent FOUR MONTHS spewing 5000 words of abuse against me after my 9 LIVES book on MY BOOK PAGE on Goodreads - the hater CAME AT ME, harassed me, defamed me, spewed
disgusting lies and abuse against me, real appalling allegations, listed elsewhere here,.
Then of course the hater conspired to get me banned from Goodreads by inciting third parties to hate on me and complain to them, did the same on Amazon and started a Twitter account specifically
to spew yet more abuse at me inciting third parties to join them. The hater posted a FAKE malicious review for my poetry book THE LOVED ONES which I can prove WITH DATA the reviewer DID NOT buy or
read (only 12 pages read by a Kindle Unlimited reader SO that proves they lied to police, 1 of many lies - crimes which ARE actionable in criminal law).
They did not stop there - she searched out my PJ Vanston books on ANOTHER page on Goodreads, incited those who posted reviews 5+ years ago to join the hate campaign of revenge against me. THEY ARE
Of course, the professional victim hater then mobilised police to join her hate campaign against me, based on the lie I threatened the hater and their son (police accept that is a lie).
That led to wrongful/malicious arrest, great alarm and distress to me, lost income, reputational damage, a massive waste of public money and police time - which WILL be paid for.
I believe police can and should arrest this liar on multiple counts. If not, private prosecution could well be coming with my civil cases against my abuser (their address freely available online)
and the police (who will pay me a big 6 figure sum for the abuse I suffered).
Then, at a time of MY choosing, I shall make this public especially as my abuser seems to be a massive anti-Semite - Jewish press then national press and international will be on it.
ALL completely unnecessary and ALL CAUSED by my abuser ATTACKING ME - yes, I responded, sometimes rudely. I am human, I was under attack being abused and defamed. Any court will see that (as will
the media and the court of public opinion) - and see all abuse and lies spewed at me on Goodreads, THE BIGGEST AUTHOR WEBSITE in the world - and on MY BOOK PAGES. I have read law essays, reports,
dissertations for 16 years to edit them as part of my business and know the law - SO I know INTENTION is central. Did I INTEND to cause anyone 'alarm and distress' when RESPONDING to abuse spewed at
me by a cyberstalker hater bully online? Nope - my INTENTION was to stop it, to get my abuser to STOP spewing abuse - but it got worse and worse, on Amazon (2 books), Twitter (new account my hater
started JUST to abuse me) and 4 of my book pages on Goodreads (my psycho-stalker incited third parties to all complain to them at once to get me banned THEN hijacked MY book page for MY beautiful cat
boook to spew abuse and disgusting allegations and lies at me, with the INTENTION of causing ME alarm and distress, of hurting me, wrecking my writing career, trashing my reputation - legally
probable, all of it, a persistent hate campaign which went on for months, LAST POST was 18/8/24!!!). Maybe such haters should stick to minding their own business, writing silly reviews for soap on
Amazon & telling massive porkies about their non-author lives eh?
SO, you see, I WAS ATTACKED, and responded. I attacked NO-ONE. My intention in responding was ENDING the abuse, harassment, hate campaign of revenge against me. THAT IS IT. The INTENTION of my
cyberstalker bully abuser was to incite hatred against me to cause me intense alarm and distress in a deranged campaign of obsessive revenge - all because I challenged their deeply malicious and
defamatory review on Goodreads which they SHOULD have removed when I complained. My case is solid. QED.
Read the LIE again (posted with the rest on MY BOOK PAGE on Goodreads. MINE. Not yours to hijack, loony): I’m proud I’ve walked the higher ground and never reacted, responded, posted in response to any of it.
Accusing me of racism, misogyny, hate - all defamation designed to hurt me and cause me alarm and distress, to adversely affect my book sales, author reputation and writing career (ENVY eh because
you have NO book page as you are NOT AN AUTHOR). Bully? Look in the mirror! Walked the higher ground? LOL. FFS you are face-deep in the amoral slime of the sewer. I am unsure if you believe your lies
yourself, such is your delusion, or whether you know what a snide liar you are. Maybe both eh? BUT Your lies do not matter. Just lies from an habitual liar. As all evidence shows.
"Very low sales" for my books. YOU LITERALLY have no way of knowing that. None. SO that is pure defamation, 1 example of 12 or more, INCL your disgusting claim that I threatened you and your son
(police reject that, so I can SUE YOU and use that as evidence).
FYI my books sell hundreds each - 800 often. Thousands for all ten combined. SO how many copies have your books sold? OH I FORGOT you have not published any because you are NOT an author,
you are just a self-appointed reviewer, doing 1300 free reviews (over half a million words!!!) on Amazon/Goodreads. You probably paid to have ONE crap story in some crap self-published US horror book
THEN get so triggered when someone leaves a 1* review for it you cannot cope and get triggered into hysterical rage of revenge.
AND my quote book THINKING TIME keeps selling and selling in eBook format worldwide. Poetry books have low sales and I did not publish my lovely poems in THE LOVED ONES for sales. My poetry is for
cultured, educated, perceptive and intelligent people and that book is in the Museum of London, National Library of Wales, Sandhurst Army Officer Training College, Strawberry Field (via John Lennon's
half-sister who emailed to say how much she loved it).
But of course hater bullies are always the same - they play the innocent victim, that is their playbook, their default setting, the foundation of their pity party perpetual victim identity,
I think. But THANKS for the confirmation of inciting third parties as part of your hate campaign against me, and that the odious obsessive cyberstalker the Sketty witch has been in touch (she is vile
too, another nasty snide liar). Evidence in my favour - yet more showing your hate campaign of revenge against me involves inciting third parties to join it and you to stalk and harass me.
WHY are your provocative hounding abusive posts STILL THERE on MY book pages on GOODREADS? WHY? That is harassment, right there.
AND you are my cyberstalker - I can see WHO views MY author website and when and where they live (so watching on 10th September eh?). YOU ARE MY CYBERSTALKER HARASSING ME - as I have said from the
BOTHER? WHY? Just nuts. Live your own life and MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS - know your limits, keeping reviewing soap and smellies on amoral Amazon (btw ANY idiot, esp the unemployable with nothing else
in their sad loer lives, can be a 'top reviewer' as is proven, QED).
I have recently been praised for contacting social services about the possible threat against a vulnerable individual despite all the abuse and threats I have received, including from the police
(and a MASSIVE complaint against officers is coming for that and more, as it is SO out of order). If anyone has ANY worries about a vulnerable or disabled person, they should report it to social
services - it is good to do so, not bad and certainly not criminal in ANY way. The fact some people are triggered by the mention of social services suggests they may have something to hide eh? My
psychologist friend read all the abuse I got online, saw the obsessive traits, diagnosed a psychopathic disorder and more, and was so worried such a person would harm a vulnerable individual in their
care. She still believes that as do I. So despite the abuse and threats, I reported it to social services who have full details on record and are monitoring the situation. Good. Better safe than
sorry. My civic duty to report any suspicion I have of abuse of vulnerable individuals, as I see it.
AND by the way, searching for someone's address is NOT making a threat - an address is needed for legal action and by social services. No threats made by me - EVER - to anyone. So anyone who
claimed I made any threat is guilty of defamation and possibly a crime of harassment too - cyberstalking me is a crime too. It is anyone's right to seek and find the address of anyone else, and easy
enough these days - I have all the addresses and details I need.
Below is the new activity on 18th August 2024. The first post by my hater was 28th August 2023. Wow. Just wow. my hater just cannot LEAVE ME ALONE. Talk about obsessive hate - lasted a year
A year of hate, abuse, harassment aimed at me. My hater does this to get the review high in its Goodreads feed, thus to incite third parties to join the hate campaign of revenge against me, like
their trash 1* review (the ONLY one!), score my book badly without reading it and like this trash review. THAT IS TARGETED HARASSMENT. Inciting third parties to join a hate campaign - serious
bullying and a possible criminal offence.
See the date bottom left, AUG 18 2024. Now the hater tries to hide that by reviewing loads of books. But THIS is evidence:
I was really excited to read this book as I am a big cat lover. I’ve
enjoyed so many cat themed books over the years for all ages. This book is aimed at middle grade school children (7 plus) and adults also. I did not like the book at all unfortunate ...more |
AND here is new activity on Friday 13th September 2024 for my poetry book THE LOVED ONES which I can PROVE with publisher digital evidence from AMAZON KDP that the reviewer DID NOT buy or read the
whole book, or via Kindle Unlimited page reads (jsut 12 pages read, a sample, yet the malicious hater claims an honet review that they have read the whole book, WHAT A VILE LIAR! Just sick. THIS is a
revenge review whose intention is to cause the author alarm and distress, to trash his reputation, slag off his book which the reviewer has not read - ALL part of the obsessive hate campaign of
revenge against me by my abuser, started 28/8/23, until 13/9/24 - WOW! Over a year of hate and abuse spewed at me, 10,000 words of it. JUST WOW! Textbook psychopath? Just OBSESSED with hating me!
I read the Kindle version of this via my Kindle Unlimited
membership, you can get it in paperback also. This is nothing that I expected based on the book title and tagline one bit. It includes very unpleasant and distasteful humour, including dark humour.
It’s not required and very out of place. I’d not like to have that included if I’d lost a loved one. Many could find it very
My racist harassing hater instigated and orchestrated an anti-Semitic hate campaign against me, one with a real pattern of harassment, in which my abuser spewed up to 10,000 words of malicious
abuse at me on various platforms online, and I have copies OF IT ALL. I shall FIGHT to expose this and clear my name.
A year of abuse obsessively spewed at me on MY BOOK PAGES on Goodreads and Amazon. MY PAGES. Not yours, MINE. That is harassment, stalking, obsessive bullying nasty abuse, a hate campaign
motivated by REVENGE, esp inciting their parties to join your hate mob. Illegal too, against criminal and civil law, as your intention to cause alarm and distress, to adversely affect an innocent
men's life, income, writing career, reputation is clear. My intention was always just to make my abuser GO AWAY AND LEAVE ME ALONE. Why can people not just mind their own business? WHAT IS WRONG WITH
JUST TO SAY: Many thanks to the organisations and individuals for information, support & advice - Society of Authors, Free Speech Union (Toby and the legal team there), AFAF, CIEO,
various Jewish organisations, several journalist colleagues/contacts and many more, my solicitors Goldstones and more. Much appreciated. We shall win this thing and get justice, as we all know. You
can then all have a great story which exposes the extent of anti-Semitism and corruption in the UK, in the UK #twotierpolice too, and nails the abusers, names and shames them maybe - up to the free
press not me. Then I shall be compensated for what has happened to me, and certain police officers will face disciplinary hearings, we hope.
ANYHOO, back to MY LIFE AS AN AUTHOR not a civil rights champion and hero fighting for free speech in my own country now ruled by the Woke Taliban and their enforcers, the corrupt racist
institutionally anti-Semitic pc gestapo, it seems.
I also now have some more short stories to add to the 30 or so I have written (8 or so published). Prepping 3 or 4 to submit to major competitions in the next couple of years. Completed a cracking
one this year, 23 drafts done to tweak it, so that will be submitted to the biggest national competitions in future. Writing 4 or 5 new ones, cracking ideas.
I tend to avoid short stories - which is always where new writers start and which writing magazines & courses are obsessed with. WHY? Impossible to get em published, except in compilations
no-one reads that many authors actually pay a fee to be included in. I've won awards for some of mine, of course - see the other tabs to read three or so. THE PRAGUE VIOLIN won me two cash
prizes actually. Love it. There are 5 of my short stories on my website STORIES page. Top tab
I am now definitely writing my novel/novella about a psychowoman stalker, MY OWN PERSONAL BABYREINDEER. 35000 words done now, ready to edit that and plan the second half. It COULD be a TV
drama but I start with the novel, a short one, 60-80,000 words. Planning it out now. Done half the chapters now, present tense, immediate, scary the way a stalker psychowoman can manipulative and
hate, so twisted and malicious. FUN to write though. Baddies are fun!
AND IT IS MY RIGHT TO WRITE FICTION - it is to me incredible I was told by a police officer in an interview that I was not allowed to write fiction. WTF? Britain, 2020s. Or 1984? It is MY RIGHT to
write fiction as it is anyone's, EVEN IF fiction is inspired by fact (as it all is).
Police abuse of me WILL be reported - in a formal complaint and by the literary press and national media too no doubt. Then I shall sue them - hard. To be told I am not allowed to write fiction as
an author by a member of the pc gestapo. WTF? FOR SHAME. I do no want or seek fame, but so be it - I see it as my civil duty to do this, for the same of all, especially those who are creative.
Freedom of expression MUST be defended at all costs. The New Puritan Age creep is a worry.
I have put my children's writing on pause for the time being but have two excellent middle-grade stories done and dusted, which received positive feedback from 2 publishers and 3 agents just
before the pandemic. They will be published one day, for sure (in fact I have privately published 30 copies of one for friends, to see it in the world). I have at least 3 decent middle grade books
sketched out too - I am never short of ideas. But I detest the sort of ISHOO-led preachy woke kids' books landscape of now - they are so mediocre, and fail to lift the literacy of kids which I think
is almost criminal. They should try to WISE UP not DUMB DOWN. They should STOP preaching propaganda.
Also, kids' books can and MUST contain important issues, such as death and pain - and no, they do NOT need trigger warnings, and nor do old Disney films like Dumbo, Bambi and 101 Dalmatians.
Anyone demanding a trigger warning needs a trigger warning tattooed on their forehead. Then they need to be put in a see-through plastic room full of plastic colour balls and left there while the
rest of us behave like people used to be behave - NOT LIKE BABYBRAINED MORONS, in other words.
Kids are seriously stunted and abused really these days by being overprotected by hysterical ignorant people (women mostly) who think treating them like toddlers until teenage years is good. Not,
it is bad and the CAUSE of great anxiety, depression and mental illness in kids who have NOT been allowed to go through the normal stages of childhood. As a result they lack all resilience and cannot
cope, then get labelled 'autistic' and 'neaurodiverse'. These kids are SO hurt by their ignorant mollycoddlers. Overprotection is a form of child abuse.
Preaching in fiction is like Commie/Nazi propaganda in kids books too, or those religious books whose aim is to brainwash kids.
By the way, I know all about the Nazi period from my extensive research for my novel, and also my family history (my father was arrested by the Nazis in 1943 for slave labour, and even though his
Flemish family was Catholic, his probable father was Jewish German, so I have Jewish heritage too, which makes me enormously proud). And I visited the USSR aged 11, had a Red Army soldier point a gun
at me in Red Square no less. Communism and Fascism and two horns of the same goat.
SO my advice to all writers is this:
THAT IS IT. There is no more.
A GOOD STORY WELL TOLD should be your aim, always. Nothing else.
That is what good books (and films) do. They do not start with a list of ISHOOS to tickbox and please the latest pc woke committee. I HATE books like that. They are, in a word, crap - dangerous
crap too.
My advice to parents: RAID THE ARCHIVE. There are many superb children's books from the past free of the disease of the woke virus, so find them. LITTLENOSE books; PROFESSOR BRANESTAWM. Lots of
top Scandi fiction by many authors, such as WOOF! and JOURNEY TO THE RIVER SEA.
Anyway, I write. It is what I do, and do well, even if I say so myself. What I write really MOVES people. That proves my success as an author of fiction, imho.
The modern word 'trigger' used by hysterics and loons came from psychiatry but any victim-posing BS merchant now claims everything is a 'trigger'. ALL that means in the context of books is that a
story causes an emotional reaction in the reader. WELL, GOOD! That is the whole POINT of writing. DUH!
My GREAT diverse anti-racist book THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER is an emotional roller-coaster and I am SO glad that ALL the reviews of it are 4 and 5 stars. There is always a mentaloid psycho
babyhysteric posting a 1* revenge review - they shame themselves with their spite no doubt inspired by envy.
If you really are an author, you write. You create. Always. That is who you are. That is who I am.
People like me do not retire.
And I shall never - NEVER - be silenced.
The Nine Lives of Summer is a heart-warming tale ideal
for both children and adult cat lovers of all ages.
It is the purr-fect book for fans of A Street Cat Named Bob and A Cat Called Dog, as well
as stories about refugees such as The Boy at the Back of the Class.
“A heart-warming tale with a life-affirming
“Often funny, sometimes sad, always full of
One cat, nine lives and a quest to find a way
Summer is a cat living happily with ten-year-old girl Sami and her family in Syria. Then the war
Sami and her parents are forced to make the heart-wrenching decision to flee as refugees, leaving Summer
On her journey through nine lives in a dozen countries, Summer discovers her purpose – to find Sami
The quest leads Summer all over the world, meeting diverse people from a vast array of cultures and backgrounds,
through exciting adventures and heart-break, desperate struggle and survival. But she never ever gives up hoping and searching.
Will Summer ever find Sami, and be reunited with her family in her furever home once again?
ISBN 978-1-3999-4432-8 - Published by Two Fat Cats Publishing, 1st March 2023
Price £7.99 paperback; £3.99 eBook.
Available from Amazon and bookstores worldwide.
Author website: www.vanston.co.uk ;
Twitter: @9LivesofSummer
ALSO I am making the first 50 pages or so, 8 chapters, available here FOR FREE: https://www.book2look.com/book/rpoTIljtSb