I'm proud to announce that The Nine Lives of Summer, my 10th published book, and my 4th cat book, came out in paperback/ebook worldwide on 1st March 2023.
It is what is known as a 'crossover' title - a book for children (7+) AND adults - especially, but not only, cat-lovers.
Reviews have been just SO excellent - in YOUR CAT magazine and others, plus all genuine reviews on USA Amazon, NetGalley, which are mostly 5 and 4 star. As have sales worldwide, paperback and eBook.
March was the 10th anniversary of the publication of the first, A Cat Called Dog, which is still very popular. That book spawned a shorter child-friendly version and a sequel A Cat Called Dog 2 - The One with the Kittens (2017) - which, for some unknown reason, is borrowed from UK libraries a lot, 2nd of all my books; SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE is number 1. Film rights/options interest in all of them.
That is what is great about books - they are born & remain. A bit like paper children who go on to live lives of their own, which you, the mere author/birth parent, can't control even if you want to, just as you can't decide what meaning readers read into your stories.
Books LAST and are there for evermore. I love that. Unlike all the drivel and dross online, all the pointless reviews by attention-seekers, which are just toilet paper for the brain LOL.
Books matter, and books remain.
Books CAN be dangerous too. GOOD!
As someone once said! "AS A WRITER, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO WRITE ANYTHING I WANT" and I agree, esp as a writer of fiction.
Books can also be offensive - especially to the stupid and ignorant, those who deserve to be offended and who have NO idea how to really read at all. GOOD again!
OFFENSIVE IS GOOD. Every single great work of art in history has offended people - whether music, painting, literature, poetry etc.
How anyone can be offended be a crossover cat book is beyond me and would, I think, be problematic to all reasonable, sane people.
It's a CAT book, for goodness sake! An imaginative fictional story in which a cat dies to be reborn all over the world into many diverse cultures, lives 9 lives so dies 8 deaths. That is NOT promoting animal cruelty as some LOONYTOON reviewer seriously claims. Nor is it racist. Some people are just totally deranged, disturbed & deluded. Maybe deliberately and maliciously so? Truth will out, I am sure. Very odd, anyway. PEAK BONKERS! Just LOONYTOONS! A malicious individual's hate campaign of revenge against me, including bare lies and defamation, all legally actionable which WILL happen.
The PROBLEM is not the book or me; the problem is anyone who claims a book is a problem, claims it and its author can hurt & damage kids and cause trauma to readers. WHAT A DISGUSTING CLAIM! Disgusting false accusation and defamation, yes, but also malicious communications and harassment, designed to cause alarm and distress to me, the author. I have more than enough evidence to sue and shall too, in time, and expose this as a news story as well.
ANY reader who sees all that in this beautiful cat book is TOTALLY off their head deranged in their strange malicious twisted deformed babybrain, frankly. Just sick. Sad, really. MOST readers LOVE 'The Nine Lives of Summer' as a wonderful, touching, emotional story set all over the world amongst diverse people. Anyone calling it racist is deranged, as is anyone claiming it can hurt children. Just sick, actually, deranged, and disturbed.
I am SO proud to have published 10 books since 2010. They'll still be there in 10, 20, 50, 100 years to be read and enjoyed. My legacy. A real achievement, I know, VERY hard work to develop my innate artistic talent, I can tell you, BUT NOTHING wrong with that.
That is well over half a million well-written words, by the way, bought & read by diverse readers worldwide (esp Germany & Scandinavia for some reason, and of course the USA and Canada). Real sacrifice and dedication - and TALENT - needed to write all that fiction from scratch, but well worth it to achieve all that I have achieved.
I have plenty of famous fans too: politicians (MPs, lords galore), journalists, household names: David Attenborough's sent me 12 hand-written letters since 2010, Vera Lynn emailed me via her PA when she was 101 years old, Lady Anne Dodd & Ken before his passing wrote to me, Julia Baird (John Lennon's sister) emailed me. More letters, cards, emails from Delia Smith, David Bellamy, Jeremy Corbyn & union leaders, Boris Johnson when Mayor of London et al.
I also have PHYSICAL EVIDENCE of all these so the abusive reviews which claim I am lying about this are defamatory in that and much else besides - 12 points of clear defamation which are actionable. And yes, have screenshots of EVERYTHING for the future, all 10,000 words of abuse I have suffered in a prolonged harassing targeted hate campaign of revenge from JUST ONE obsessive deranged malicious hater - my own personal Baby Reindeer.
These screenshots of up to 10,000 words of abuse aimed directly at me on MY book pages will be used in court when I sue who I shall sue, to show that I have been the victim of a prolonged malicious hate campaign of revenge by a deranged harassing cyberstalker. All those who joined in with my abuser will be named in court too, those my hater incited to troll and abuse me, to complain about me, and the infamous malicious vile Sketty witch who I can prove was in contact with my harassing abuser, egging the psychostalker on. Truth will out. I cannot wait! The press will have a field day.
Anyway, enough about deranged haters who matter not - I now have 10 scrapbooks of all my reviews and replies from people for all my 10 published books since 2010 - and piles of letters and cards too from many famous and notable persons. My archive, with all my writing notes, if anyone wants it all in the end...
The largest creative agency in LA even got in touch re RASMUS. Yup, Hollywood! If it happens, it happens. I CAN write screenplays too. I am 100% sure my new psychowoman cyberstalker novel will be filmed & I shall be writing the screenplay, I hope, as I started as a screenwriter in 2006, so know my stuff! For some reason in my last PLR statement (2023/4) RASMUS is the most borrowed of my books from UK libraries SO probably on a uni media course booklist then.
And...I've just received a LOVELY contact from a reader/cat fan in the Far East inviting me to visit, which is great! Japan, South Korea, maybe more. I had NO idea I had even readers there until now! They say they adore all my 4 cat books and are appalled at the abuse I have suffered from my cyberstalker psycho - they told me special Japanese words for people like that which is hilarious! So my next book tour then - so better start brushing up my Japanese! I'm not such a fan of the food tbh, but I'll try anything! When in Rome...
My books are in SO many libraries worldwide. All 10 of my published books - plus a special limited edition private print-run of 30 copies of my middle grade children's novel DINOSAUR JOE which is now in several UK primary school libraries and the Michael Palin Centre for Stuttering too (because the main character overcomes his own stutter with the dinosaurs!). It will be properly published one day, for sure.
My SANTA GOES ON STRIKE poem picture book is adored by both kids and adults, and is in so many schools in the UK, Italy, France, Canada, USA, which read it out loud at Christmas concerts a lot. It was featured on TALK RADIO EUROPE in their Christmas Eve show, read aloud by the wondrous Hannah Murray who has also interviewed me 7 times now on the BOOK SHOW, about THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER and THE LOVED ONES poetry book too, plus my novels RASMUS and SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE and my A CAT CALLED DOG books. Great book show, that. Best one on radio anywhere!
All my cat books, child-friendly versions and crossover titles like THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER are in UK primary schools, libraries and yes, used in lessons even. Children LOVE my cat books! YAY!
Kids can cope with them & love them all - though they're probably for more able readers (I refuse to dumb down ever; plenty of accessible books out there for less able readers). They are STORIES, where children LEARN that life is not all pink sunshine, rainbows & unicorns or fluffy pompom babyfication. Life is pain, suffering & has death within it; bad things happen, sadness is real. BUT people cope & survive & thus grow and learn RESILIENCE. That's what children NEED in stories, as Walt Disney knew, meaning as well as entertainment. That is what MOVES & MEANS. Walt got it, as do I.
The clueless hand-wringing woke hysterics demanding trigger warnings need to challenged, frankly - they cause anxiety in kids and stunt their development, cause them real harms. Their constant demand to trigger-warning everything and treat children like babies is tantamount to child abuse and, I suspect strongly, is even promoting and causing anxiety, depression and mental illness in the young. And WHO THE HELL ARE THEY to pass judgment? Self-appointed finger-wagging nannies, misguided, ignorant and clueless. And just being parent does not make your opinion valid either (any idiot can breed - just look around you to see that!). Challenge that narrative. Call out the lies of the self-appointed hysterical misguided fools who demand trigger warnings/bans. I do and always will to be true to myself - I refuse to pander to this dangerous nonsense.
There are SO MANY setting themselves up online as 'experts' in publishing and writing when they do not have the track record at all to support that - like the malicious non-author who purports to be an expert whose only achievement seems to be posting thousands of free reviews over many years on Amazon and Goodreads which everyone ignores. Sad really. IGNORE THESE BS MERCHANT LOSERS. I hope to expose them in the news story coming soon, and in court.
I am VERY glad to say that the totalitarian oppression of WOKE is tottering now worldwide and will soon fall, with a crusade of common sense against the Woke Taliban elte who rule us and control so much.
YAY! A reckoning is coming...
I cannot live a dishonest life - I cannot pretend to agree with all this woke nonsense when I do not. I refuse. If that makes me a heretic, so be it. Others can pander to the Woke Taliban. I shall not - instead I defend freedom of speech and expression for all. Real LIBERTY.
As Shakespeare says in HAMLET: "To thine own self be true". I am.
And as Chaucer wrote: "Practise what you preach". I do.
Here I stand. I can do no other. Good. I like a fight!
In the midst of life we are in death. Deal with it. GROW UP! That is what children are doing anyway - better than some adults arguably. It is what HAS to be done. Otherwise, no resilience is developed - which is maybe why we see such an increase in mental illness in kids now. BABIFICATION did that. Silly mollycoddling mothers and paranoid parents did that in thrall to a scaremongering media stoking fear and hysteria to get more ratings/sales in a noisy crowded media landscape. Honestly, these people have the morality of rats, and TV IS A MONSTER (as I say in my 2016 TV novel RASMUS). Stunting children and stopping them reaching the normal, natural milestones of childhood is so very wrong and so sad. It is child abuse, really, in a toxic childhood which is sadly now typical in Britain (apeing the USA as usual). Just that. Does deep damage to developing brains.
Ditto re these kids' playgrounds with rubber tarmac and safety harnessed. JUST STOP IT SUFFOCATING KIDS. Let them take risks and let them get hurt too. Playgrounds etc should NOT be as 'safe as possible'; they should be 'as safe as NECESSARY'. On-trend disorders invented in 1980s like ADHD etc are caused by kids being cooped up all day long never being allowed out - they NEED activity and if kids are allowed to be kids, their disorders magically vanish. How sick that 10% children in the USA are on medication like Ritalin for ADHD and other socalled disorders. That is an epidemic of child abuse! Sick.
Children's stories CAN be about serious subjects, THE most serious, death included. Kids CAN cope with it - with more than silly nannies think they can. I do not think most people give kids enough credit - they can and do cope with big topics in fiction, books, films, some very dark stuff, yes including death, which they know is part of life. Children are like little sponges, can absorb a lot of information.
Yes, maybe films (on TV or internet) can be horrific - some kids' movies look horrific to me, so much violence and very scary, even for small children. But then I watched Jaws aged 8 as did all my class, back in the days I walked to and from school from age 7/8 too and played outside every day unless it was raining.
The typical British childhood is now SO TOXIC, because society has been feminised and babified, with hysterics in charge, when in fact the danger to kids is NOT from strange men out there at all, but by parents in the all-too-often-fatherless home - MOST babies who are killed are killed by women, and half of all kids, and as for emotional abuse of children...
The internet is insidious and damaging to kids if used too much, of course, which happens BUT I do not support bad laws like the ONLINE SAFETY ACT to silence free speech online. Just wrong. A totally wrongheaded way to manage new technology is to ban it.
BUT back to books - we do NOT need to dumb down for kids in BOOKS, in stories, and we DO NOT need socalled sensitivity readers, yet another nonjob by the woke race racket diversity industry scam.
We can and SHOULD wise up and introduce the very young to the bad things in life, and the natural things like death. That is what my beautiful cat book THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER does in an age-appropriate way, but not the twee slushy cod-spiritual way I HATE in some cod-spiritual cat books - I deliberately did NOT write schmaltzy trash like that. I hate those sorts of stories. Goodreads is full of such ebook drivel. All four of my lovely cat books are on another level, so very intelligent, and literary too. And they sell well.
There is no horror at all in THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER, though it is an emotional rollercoaster of a story. No swearing in it either, no blood and guts, no staged horror as in trashy fantasy horror ebooks which are AWFUL - just lots of LOVE and feelings. Offensive? DOH!
BUT of course the cat has to die 8 times to live 9 lives, a NEAT IDEA you'd think - because it is. One, just ONE, deranged hysteric selfappointed saddo rewiewer reader claimed that the book and I were a threat and danger to children and could cause readers trauma, and promoting animal cruelty to boot! What like Walt Disney did? WHAT A DERANGED dullard thicko to claim a story can do that. Beyond offensive - it is DEFAMATION. This loon accused ME of being a threat and danger to children and readers too. INSANE! Malicious hate, harassment, abuse, defamation and more. Nasty. Sick.
Honestly, some people are just plain nuts! PEAK LOONYTOON. I pity them, I suppose, those who are perpetually hand-wringing about things, projecting their own strange brains and hysteria only the world and books like me. JUST DERANGED. Ill. Maybe they need to seek help? Or grow up? Or both? Just avoid reading and reviewing MY books them - stick to the trash of ebook horror fantasy nonsense on Goodreads, an amoral corporate owned by Amazon which refused and refuses to remove defamation and a racist hate campaign against me on MY book pages on THEIR websites. Clear legal case there so I shall see them in the Californian courts all in good time.
But back to my lovely readers!
So, I have readers all over the world now who spontaneously get in touch from time to time, by email or Twitter-X or occasionally via this author website. I know my books really MOVE people, emotionally connect with them - or as one deranged hysteric reviewer says, 'trigger' them. GOOD! All that psychobabble word means is a book MOVED PEOPLE EMOTIONALLY which is evidence of an author SUCCEEDING! Doh! Those parroting psychobabble words like 'trigger' are always so clueless, but less bright than parrots. An emotional reaction to words is what writers crave! I achieve it. That is because I work hard to develop my writing talent to get that reaction. It is SUCCESS! For a writer, getting that reaction in readers is SUCCESS! Some readers have told me THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER made them cry, really touched them, broke them up, but in a GOOD way, leading to the lovely heartwarming ending. I told these readers about my psychocyberstalker and they have seen the hate campaign of abuse incl real racist antiSemitic abuse I have endured since August 28th 2023 from this ONE deranged maniac hater hellbent in revenge against me for my challenging a sick disgusting defamatory review of my book - and they are APPALLED. They encourage me and support me in my fight for justice. The guilty will pay, for sure, in so many ways. Again, watch this space. JUSTICE IS COMING and sooner than they think. This will never end until I have justice and the guilty pay.
Also, what I LOVE about my writing is that all my books have something to say, which is part of my AUTHOR VOICE together with comedy (often dark) - we all have such a voice and that is mine. All my writing exhibits these two elements, incl children's books and my picture book poem SANTA GOES ON STRIKE.
I really detest meaningless ebook genre trash - romance, crap crime series, horror nonsense. It's like porn or dance music, disposible drivel which provides a service and serves a need in the needy readers who seem addicted to this drivel. Fine. Live and let live, each to their own - so long as no-one forced me to actually read that crap. I refer DECENT books. Proper novels. Class. Culture. Literature. Not what I call emo-porn books, badly-written & full of errors usually too.
I have no interest whatsoever in writing the sort of trashy eBook series that get reviewed on Goodreads so much, usually dross like horror, romance, 4th rate crime fiction - and mostly those self-published eBook are given away for free, NOT sold, 70-80% given gratis to reviewers and friends/contacts, other eBook trash authors from Goodreads groups to 'buy' good reviews. No thanks. Not for me.
I have 10 published books as my legacy (and four more completed books yet to be published, two adult novels & two middle-grade kids' novels). Each sold hundreds of copies and got great reviews from genuine readers. THAT is success. MORE success to come too.
I am pleased to say I have some big fans in Germany - I may visit there again next year. I've been a few times, several cities (Berlin, Bochum, Dortmund), but many years ago, and my German is ropey (trying to brush it up now with a LEARN GERMAN course).
In Germany, I could do more Nazi and WWII research for future crime thrillers I plan to write; & I've never visited Hamburg (where my 4th cousin twice removed was the posh British/Welsh officer in charge post WWII), and Nazi home city Munich and all Bavaria, so...looking forward to it. While there, I shall research the sequels for my NAZI CRIME THRILLER set in 1980s which is a work in progress (on draft 6, will edit after professional report advice).
I am expert in WWII and the rise of the Nazis anyway, could quite happily teach courses on it for weeks without notes. It is one of my many interests due to my family history and Jewish heritage - and the parallels I see with the modern UK thought police and the Nazi Gestapo/SS are stark. SOMETHING MUST CHANGE, or there WILL be a reckoning and riots ahead I am sure. The people will not take much more of this. A reset needed. A reboot.
I love Germany and many mainland European countries more than the increasingly puritanical UK, now infected with wokeness and race obsession from the USA, with a corrupt pc gestapo police silencing free speech like the Stasi. Same motivation. Just wrong. Our thought police state Stasi shame us all. BUT NOW the USA looks likely to de-Woke itself - YAY! I hope they do and that the UK follows their lead.
I have just participated in several zoom meetings, with free speech activists (of all political colours) worldwide - USA, Canada, Germany, Italy, Spain, Asia. YAY! In future I shall be more active in fighting for our HUMAN RIGHTS of free speech and expression, esp in the UK with our pc gestapo Woke Taliban thought police arresting thousands for hurty words on social media ALL while ignoring REAL crime.
I've also done a lot of zoom meetings with schools and college/uni students mostly overseas. I love these zoom meetings! I take any questions and ask them too, make students THINK. What education is really - LEARNING TO ASK BETTER QUESTIONS. Not brainwashing with whatever the party in charge approves as the truth this week.
And no, I am not right or left or far right or anything - and not racist either, though racist anti-Semites have accused me of that for defending Jews and Israel. SHAME ON THEM. The two-tier policing we have seen is disgusting. J'accuse and justice is coming for you, in complaints process and civil courts, and maybe even criminal courts too. Police should not lie, be biased, abuse and injure people wrongly accused by a malicious liar with a grudge.
TRUTH WILL OUT and be a BIG news story - I am fine with that, and can give TV interviews galore - I do so hope my haters can as cameras will be on them too from the Great British press.
Me, I have only ever wanted this psycho who is obsessed with me to LEAVE ME ALONE - I have never had any desire ot meet or know the hater who spewed 10,000 words of abuse at me on MY book pages on Goodreads, and much af that defamatory filth is STILL THERE. EVIDENCE EVIDENCE EVIDENCE which will be shown in court, ALL 10,000 words of the lies and abuse by the psycho who went for me with 12 false accusations of defamation & bare lies which I can prove as lies too (e.g. the claim I have sold hardly any books when the reviewer has NO ACCESS AT ALL to my sales data; the claim my reviews by famous people are fake - I have physical evidence to prove they are real and true; the claim I threatened people is very serious and action WILL be taken on that and more.
Anyhoo, I also hope to visit Israel next year to meet a beautiful, brave people in THEIR homeland. I shall use the big compensation I shall be receiving from various parties - for being the target of an anti-Semitic racist hate campaign, and sustained harassment, stalking and abuse online, with 12 counts of defamation and more, personal injury and discrimination from the corrupt thug Welsh/English police etc - to travel there (oh the sweet SWEET irony, and then some). I may live and work there in future. We'll see. Best visit first! Holiday ahead. AM YISRAEL CHAI! I never give up either! We are WINNERS!
When there in Israel, I shall certainly share my experience of being attacked by malicious hatemonger anti-Semites in the UK who accuse anyone supporting Israel/Jews of being a racist. They even managed to mobilise corrupt and systemically anti-Semitic/racist/sexist UK police in their obsessive hate campaigns of revenge against their victims, which is basically anyone who exposes their deranged malicious mendacious hateful racist anti-Semitic instincts (a news story soon, watch this space). I shall no doubt be interviewed by the Israeli media/TV, as well as Jewish media in the UK, and many other national media outlets including TV. Bring it on!
I have done TV/radio interviews galore before, so will, when I visit Israel. I shall tell my story about the anti-Semitic-inspired abuse I have suffered online for a year now and the systemically anti-Semitic UK police force with its appalling bias & two-tier policing. FOR SHAME!
Hating Jews/Zionists/Israel is NOT 'progressive' at all, NOT 'liberal', NOT 'tolerant' or 'diverse'. It is racist, the New Nazi-ism in fact, which attracts 'useful idiots' & the clueless desperate to conform to what they've been told is 'progressive' 'liberal' and 'tolerant' which it is the precise opposite: regressive, illiberal and intolerant and yes, racist, in its veiled and direct antiSemitism. SHAME ON THEM ALL.
Accusing a supporter of Israel who defends Jews, and criticises anti-Semitic hate march mobs of all colours and faiths of racism, is sick and twisted indeed, as well as deeply malicious and defamatory. It is SO VERY WRONG, especially when police parrot the lies of a malicious mendacious obsessive deranged maniac with a grudge - their systemic sexism/misandry, pro-female bias, racism and anti-Semitism will be exposed by me soon. The haters will ALL be exposed by the media soon, including the police and my accuser. And will get sued. HARD. And liars may well get arrested too.
Also, Goodreads/Amazon enabled and continue to enable a vicious defamatory hate campaign against me on MY book pages on Goodreads and Amazon reviews - revenge reviews by a malicious hater who I can prove did not buy or read my THE LOVED ONES book. They will all pay. Dearly. In UK and US courts. 7/8 figures.
Anyway, THAT is my bright future and I shall FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT to expose the liars in the glare of the Great British Press and media and make them face justice for sure. It's all been an ordeal, for sure, this total fecking farce, like some mad malicious Monty Python, and a massive waste of public money because ONE DERANGED OBSESSIVE CYBERSTALKER PSYCHOHATER MENTALPAUSALMANIAC hater decided to get revenge and so tried to destroy a man's life - well such evil people are often hoist by their own petard as their hate gets turned on themselves and they get destroyed. WATCH THIS SPACE.
The abusive comments to me by my harasser cyberstalker have all been so disgustingly insulting, abusive and offensive, & caused me severe alarm and distress, deep trauma and real suffering in so many ways (as I have stated in my VICTIM IMPACT STATEMENT prepared with my whole case already). I have 3 huge folders of the 10,000 words of abuse on Goodreads (my 4 book pages under 2 names) Amazon (2 reviews, 1 provably fake NO VERIFIED PURCHASE - as publisher I can PROVE the reviewer did not buy the ebook or download page reads LOL! GOTCHA!), and Twitter (inciting third parties to join my stalker's hate campaign against me was a regular habit as was lying - in effect silencing me and stopping me responding to the malicious defamatory hate and lies against me on Goodreads HENCE my posting my opinions on MY author website, often jokes too, which my stalker checked and screenshot obsessively like the psycho they are).
SO laughable that my abuser claims ' I’m a 100% honest reviewer.' YEAH RIGHT! You trash my poetry book without ever having read it, NO VERIFIED PURCHASE - you LIED, did a fake trash review to get revenge on me for a book of bereavement poetry YOU SICKO and so you LIED TO POLICE which I can PROVE with evidence. Oh dear. CRIIMINAL OFFENCE of perverting the course of justice, and withholding evidence from police, and making a false report to police PLUS the harassment and malicious communications against me, the false claims I am racist, ALL from an obsessive psycho hellbent non getting revenge on me and destroying my life. BUT it will not be me who ends up destroyed. I AM THE STORM now, and my abuser will face justice for that, get arrested I am sure. Very serious offence, lying to police. Very. One of the worst. Jail time for many who do it.
And all this abuse and nonsense for overt a year in a prolonged hate campaign of harassment - and for what? To satisfy the obsessive hunger for revenge of a deeply delusional, nasty, malicious, narcisstic, obsessive, vengeful, vindictive mentalist nothing whose sad pathetic mentalist loon life consists of lying like a loonie in bed all day stuffing that malicious psychoface with snacks and posting free reviews everyone ignore on Amazon/Goodreads? Sad. yes, this is DEFINITELY a criminal matter- private prosecution possible too if police refuse to act (in which case I shall sue police for corruption and bias) - I can prove they were lied to by my abuser, which is a preverting the course of justice (and false reporting and withholding evidence).
It is harassment, malicious communications too, and definite defamation. STALKING even. Of me. Not by me. I am the victim, NOT the villain. JUSTICE IS COMING, FOLKS!
I shall FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT and I shall WIN WIN WIN. Make no mistake. What I have been through if so awful, but I am still here and my abusers will pay, face justice and get what they deserve.
I have been kept in a state of distress for over a year for NO good reason, been a victim of malicious attack, harassment, causing me great alarm and distress, as well as physical and mental harm causing me permanent physical disability and mental trauma, and have endured many months of uncertainly and severe distress, trauma and strain. THAT WILL BE PAID FOR BY ALL WHO ARE GUILTY. I chose NONE of this - it was not me who abused anyone then tried to use the law to destroy another person. The malicious individual who did that to me out of sheer vengeful hatred will find it rebounds on them HARD. It is truly disgusting the pointless energy and public money that has been spent on this farcial saga and the person who made that happen will rue the day when it explodes in their snide evil face.
Remember, I never never NEVER give up, not when I know I am in the right. If my enemies and abusers are not worried, maybe they should be. The law is coming for all of you.
I've also just been reading psychological research (I do read such stuff a lot) which shows women tend to weaponise lies and gossip to get back at men especially, to bully, to punish, to humiliate, to get revenge against their enemies and destroy their reputations (whereas men tend to use violence for revenge). Yup, that is my abuser alright. Clear borderline personality disorder - attention-seeking, manipulative, devious - and narcisstic personality disorder too, so vengeful, triggered by trivia to obsessively pursue a hate campaign of revenge against someone who has dared to challenge them. TEXT BOOK PSYCHO actually. Boring. Think MISERY or BABY REINDEER.
The attempt to wreck my writing career and trash my reputation has been very real, malicious, vindictive, twisted, obsessively psychotic, and a HUGE waste of public money and time - just some one deeply disturbed vengeful hater can get revenge on my for calling our the deranged defamatory review for posted for my beautiful much-loved book THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER.
I remain utterly shocked that ONE malicious individual managed to mobilise our corrupt thug police as their own private militia to try and ruin my life and destroy me - THAT is narcissitic psycho disorder, RIGHT THERE. Well, my life is not destroyed, but my abusers' soon will be as I fight and fight in court and law to get justice and to expose my abuser in the full glar of publicity and prove myself the victim in this vile scenario. AND I CANNOT WAIT!
It is TOXIC FEMINITY, textbook malicious snide female-type bullying and that has inspired my great new novel. It is SO common but often ignored by a feminised media and hardly ANY of these abusive women ever get arrested or forced to appear in court, criminal or civil (my abuser will!). And just SO spiteful and SO NASTY - see Neil Gaiman and other recent victims of it. They know that any man accused is assumed to be guilty and the usually-anonymous women accusers can lie and lie without fear of punishment. THAT MUST CHANGE. And I can assure you, my abuser will NOT remain anonymous - but that is for the Great British Media/TV to deal with, not me. FAME IS COMING! Bring it on. I shall have justice.
Spreading false accusations and defamation (12 cases of it) against me on MY BOOK PAGES on Goodreads then malicious inciting third parties to join in too crossed a BIG line - especially when it involved lying to police (they accept I threatened no-one & that the malicious review of my poetry book is by someone who has not read it).
So, my hater wanted to destroy me because that is how malicious, twisted, vindictive, obsessively evil the little parasitic worm is, hiding in its sad burrow, in a sad pathetic life filled with nothing but spewing abuse online and leeching off public money, sitting in bed all day stuffing snacks and ultraprocessed gunk food off disposable paper plates the loon claims to be environmentally friendly (MENTALLY yes).
Nope, I am not and will not be destroyed, especially by such a thick nothing psycholoon stalker (think MISERY meets BABY REINDEER). Actually, my career will be BOOSTED by all this despite the very real trauma caused me by my ordeal for which i shall be awarded substantial damages - this case will make my name and make my hater famous, for all the wrong reasons - I guarantee it!
And my psychowoman cyberstalker novel has BESTSELLER written all over it, esp as it was inspired by a true story (though is fiction). Publishers and publicists will love that as will the media, books-related and wider, mainstream papers, mags, internet and TV of course. So, the hateful malicious vindictive individual hell-bent on revenge against me will have destroyed themselves actually and sooner than they think. The law will come for the guilty and the media has all details of them to follow up the story. Great!
I am the victim, in the right, merely responded to a prolonged hate campaign of harassment aimed at ME on MY book pages on Goodreads (and Amazon and Twitter). All on screenshots for later. It has all been an awful experience to be honest BUT one which will make my name and boost my career as an author for sure.
Funny how thinks go, innit? Coming to get you all, you haters, in law! And you will pay the price for what you have done and tried to do, for all the abuse and lies and hate you spewed at me.
Of course, on the plus side, my ordeal has inspired my great new novel, which is a real cracker, so timely and on trend, about a psychowoman stalker. My new PSYCHOWOMAN CYBERSTALKER NOVEL is really GRRREAT! So very on trend and timely too, my own personal BABY REINDEER and so cinematic - I look forward to writing a screenplay for it, or a teleplay for a TV drama. THEN my case will be famous as will my abuser. Funny old world, innit? Hee hee.
And the damages I shall be awarded in the UK and US will be huge.
When I choose, I shall make this a big media story and THEN the Great British Press can go doorstepping, interview all parties. GREAT!
I shall give anyone a TV/radio/press interview about anything - I love TV/radio interviews, so direct and honest, better arguably that press interviews which can distort and misquote imho.
Press/media can contact me by email acatcalleddog@hotmail.co.uk any time.
Phone number on request.
JUST TO SAY: Many thanks to the organisations and individuals for information, support & advice - Society of Authors, Free Speech Union (Toby and the legal team there with VERY helpful free advice), AFAF, CIEO, several Jewish organisations, journalist colleagues and contacts and many more, my solicitors Goldstones and more. Much appreciated. We shall win this thing and get justice done, as we all know.
But WHAT a MASSIVE waste of public money, time, energy ALL to satisfy the quest for revenge from one deranged individual. THAT IS SO VERY WRONG. The guilty will pay for it, for sure.
The media can then all have a great story which exposes the extent of anti-Semitism and corruption in the UK, in our #twotierpolice too, and which nails the abusers, names and shames them maybe - up to the free press, not me. I have only ever wanted by psycho cyberstalker to LEAVE ME ALONE but the loonie did not - instead they obsessively spewed abuse and defamation and hate against me for over a year and incited third parties to join in. CRIMINALLY SICK AND INSANE MAYBE?
I have harassed and abused no-one - I am not the villain, I am THE VICTIM HERE of a prolonged hate campaign of revenge, harassment and malicious communications from a deeply deranged, dishonest and disturbed obsessive individual who just would NOT leave me alone (the abuse is STILL THERE on Amazon and in comments after 4 of my books on Goodreads - ALL EVIDENCE with the rest). And it never ends. It is STILL going on. This will NEVER END until I have justice.
I have all the evidence I need to prove in any context or court that:
1) my abuser stalked me in on obsessive hate campaign or revenge for over a year on multiple platforms online incl MY book pages x4, incl fake lie-spewing defamatory malicious reviews for books I can PROVE my hater did not buy or even download pagereads - I am publisher and so have data; I can prove my abuser lied to police with malicious fake claims and accusations against me too. GOTCHA.
2) I can also prove the police were biased, systemically
antiSemitic/sexist, dishonest, abusive, violent, sided with my abuser & reported the lies they spewed verbally and on paper. GOTCHA. For that are causing me physical and mental injury for life.
3) I can prove that the amoral Amazon's Goodreads enabled a hate campaign against me by not enforcing their own rules on my abuser who's given them 1300 free copy reviews over 12+ years - the distress, damage, hurt and financial loss to me will be factored in to the damages they will pay, GOTCHA. The defamation and hate is STILL THERE inn reviews & comments by my stalker after 4 of my books on Goodreads. THAT IS DEFAMATION enabled by Amazon LLC.
Justice is coming, folks!
My GREAT diverse anti-racist book THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER is an emotional roller-coaster and I am SO glad that ALL the reviews of it are 4 and 5 stars.
If you really are an author, you write. You create. Always. That is who you are. That is who I am.
People like me do not retire.
And I shall never - NEVER - be silenced.
The Nine Lives of Summer is a heart-warming tale ideal for both children and adult cat lovers of all ages.
It is the purr-fect book for fans of A Street Cat Named Bob and A Cat Called Dog, as well as stories about refugees such as The Boy at the Back of the Class.
“A heart-warming tale with a life-affirming message.”
“Often funny, sometimes sad, always full of hope.”
One cat, nine lives and a quest to find a way home
Summer is a cat living happily with ten-year-old girl Sami and her family in Syria. Then the war comes.
Sami and her parents are forced to make the heart-wrenching decision to flee as refugees, leaving Summer behind.
On her journey through nine lives in a dozen countries, Summer discovers her purpose – to find Sami again.
The quest leads Summer all over the world, meeting diverse people from a vast array of cultures and backgrounds, through exciting adventures and heart-break, desperate struggle and survival. But she never ever gives up hoping and searching.
Will Summer ever find Sami, and be reunited with her family in her furever home once again?
ISBN 978-1-3999-4432-8 - Published by Two Fat Cats Publishing, 1st March 2023
Price £7.99 paperback; £3.99 eBook.
Available from Amazon and bookstores worldwide.
Author website: www.vanston.co.uk ; Twitter: @9LivesofSummer
ALSO I am making the first 50 pages or so, 8 chapters, available here FOR FREE: https://www.book2look.com/book/rpoTIljtSb
Well here they are, the result of 15 years' hard work, almost half a million words, 10 books including a collection of poetry, 3 satirical novels, 4 cat novels/stories, a non-fiction quote book, and a Christmas poem picture book.
Thousands of hours' work; thousands in investment in myself and NOT a penny of public subsidy. I would have earned more on minimum wage stacking shelves, frankly.
Was it worth it? Yes and no. Yes for the enormous satisfaction of authoring and publishing real high-quality and worthwhile stories; no, financially and for the energy it has taken from my income-earning projects and business, and then the vile abuse from certain hateful reviewers with issues. BUT that is what dedication means.
It will be if the Nazi Crime Thriller novel ( a very psychological and original speculative story) I have just completed (1st draft) gets signed up by an agent/publisher for a series, with TV/film rights, for sure. It'd make a great movie - actually, my writing is all very cinematic so most of my books would make great films too (animation maybe for the cat stories).
But yes of course, it is a MASSIVE achievement and I am proud of the originality and high quality of all my books. Tbh despite sound commercial arguments, I have no interest in churning out genre ebooks in production-line-crime or romantic escapism genres as some do - but whatever floats your boat... They can work their side of the street, and I shall work mine.
All my books are in public libraries and The British Library. My pandemic poems are in the National Library of Wales and Museum of London 'Covid' archive collections for evermore...
I am pleased to announce the publication of my debut collection of poetry, THE LOVED ONES - A COLLECTION OF PANDEMIC POEMS ABOUT LOVE AND LOSS, by Jem Vanston, on 9th April 2022.
There are 54 poems in the collection, including 10 song lyrics - 9 have links to online demo recordings of the songs, so it's a real multimedia project! Most were written in 2020/21.
It's a diverse collection of poems, some darky funny, others very moving. Lots of poems about grief, bereavement, loss, death but also love - and hope.
Quite a few war poems here - First and Second World War poems, a Falklands poem (song), Viking, Roman, ancient warrior themes. Inspired by the war on Covid really but now sadly and tragically very timely as the war in Ukraine rages. A diverse collection of poems about grief, bereavement and death in all contexts, LOVE AND LOSS.
The back cover explains this, so some fake trash review by a deranged hater semi-literate loon who claims they bought the book (A PROVEN LIE as I can show this reviewer DID NOT buy the ebook or read more than 12 page reads via Kindle Reader) moaning not every poem is about the Covid Pandemic just shows what clueless malicious morons some reviewers are. I shall definitely be writing poems about my experience of being stalked online by an obsessive deranged hater in future - I have already written a novel inspired by it!
Two poems here are in the National Library of Wales Covid Collection - POEM OF THE PLAGUE YEAR and TWENTY-TWENTY: A YEAR IN THE LIFE (read them on the NEWS page of this website). The latter was also featured on That's Swansea Bay TV on November 5th 2020 (anyone interested can scroll back on Facebook to that clip), and also praised as 'poignant' by a representative of Her Majesty the Queen. It is most unusual for replies from royalty to include an opinion, so maybe the poem was read by our monarch. Who knows?
The paperback costs £8.99 - feel free to email me if you want to order a signed copy (acatcalleddog@hotmail.co.uk). The eBook is £3.99 - and the songlinks work better on there.
Here is the Amazon.co.uk link to the book (copy and paste):
1st SEPTEMBER 2021
I am proud to announce publication of my book of quotes:
'THINKING TIME: 365 inspiring, amusing and thought-provoking quotes to get you through the year'
£7.99 paperback - the perfect Christmas present!
Great for quotes for lessons, lectures, services, speeches. Also useful for developing 'Intelligent Mindfulness' - a quote a day for a year for a daily mindfulness focus. And you'll learn something!
Plenty of quotes from Ancient Greece/Rome/China; plenty of quotes from authors, artists, politicians, actors, musicians, film/pop stars too - as reflects my education and interests.
Lots of wise and witty quotes, and great fun too!
Plenty of quotes from people of all nationalities, faiths, races and women. But ALL quotes are there ON MERIT ALONE. I vehemently oppose the patronising racism/sexism of race/gender quotas + only included quotes I feel are worthy of inclusion in my book.
Glad to get fellow Dartford boy Mick Jagger there on his birthday in July, and Freddie Mercury on his birthday 5th September.
Other pop stars include John Lydon, Annie Lennox, Keith Richards, Stevie Wonder, Bob Marley, Jimi Hendrix, John Lennon also in there, reflecting my musical background, and film stars such as Charlie Chaplin there too. Women include Amy Johnson, Victoria Wood, Oprah Winfrey and many, many more. Loads of authors and poets in there too, and various politicians, historical figures and thinkers.
I dislike slushy, schmaltzy, spiritual motivational quote books and there are so many other there, so avoided such huggy-wuggy touchy-feely fluffy slushy quotes! Though there are some quotes by saints - St David on 1 March - and plenty by various philosophers from all of human history and around the world.
Some have quotes on the day they died such as Dylan Thomas, Prince Philip, Amy Johnson and many more. Some readers may notice the clever choice of quotes for significant dates; others will not. It does not matter - the book still works if they do not!
Anyway, enjoy your THINKING TIME!
I promise this will be a book of quotes you go back to time and again over the years, because the quotes are so diverse, witty, wise, fun and classic - and for every occasion.
MARCH 2020 - SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE, my Swansea Campus Novel.
I am proud to announce that my new campus novel SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE was published on 28th March 2020.
Set in an unnamed and fictional university town in South Wales, my tale has a great deal to say about the education system, woke snowflake censorship, New Puritan culture, gender politics, Brexit and Remain issues, the EU, the state of the nation. Available from bookshops (though they all closed on 24th March!) and the usual online sellers (though there may be a delay in lockdown).
The BEST place to buy it is direct from the publisher who can fulfil orders quickly at any time, lockdown or no:
Somewhere in Europe is also available to buy direct from me - signed copy - for cover price + £3 postage, or from publisher website, or to buy or order from bookshops, or, if you must, Amazon (who snaffle 60% of cover price but at least stock books by smaller writers, unlike most bookstores).
This novel has been called 'The Lucky Jim of now'. Or, as it says on the back cover, "It's like a cross between Catch-22 and Lucky Jim for the Brexit Generation". It is dark satire and laugh-out-loud funny at times too, but with some very moving scenes and characters too.
Worried about where education is going and how freedom of speech is under threat these days? Then this is the novel for you!
The novel predicts BLM and the taking down of statues and portraits of white men too - it has already happened in The Town in the story.
As of 2024, this novel is borrowed more from UK libraries than any other of my books, just loads of lends - which suggests it may be on a booklist or two at universities really. I love the way this novel triggers those people it lampoons too, those smug self-righteous types who claim they are 'progressive' all while yelling slogans to destroy Israel and all Jews on the streets of London. The lack of self-awareness is just stunning. Regressive, intolerant and illiberal is what these bigots are, yet always accuse others of racism - well, they need to be challenged (watch this space on that).
Any reviewer or media person wanting any further information can contact me via this website or the publishers. Many thanks.
My Christmas poem SANTA GOES ON STRIKE was published on 30th September 2018, as a colour-illustrated paperback and ebook. (Repromoted for Christmas 2019 with WH Smith book store signings! Maybe in the run-up to Christmas 2020 too...)
It's a funny, heart-warming, meaningful poem picture book with WONDERFUL illustrations (based on my specifications) for both children and adults, and ideally is to be read aloud by families at Christmas. A fitting tribute to my late mum Marjorie who loved my poem and used to read it aloud to her friends at the many Christmas lunches she used to go to every year. It always went down a storm! (I now have it translated into French too, for media in France/Canada).
Paperback widely available online, but eBook not available on Amazon (they do not support fixed-file layout for some reason) so only available on Kobo or Apple or the online bookshop of the Cardiff publishers:
PERFECT for a Christmas present for both children and adults!
"A modern-day classic!" "A real gem!" "delightful"
Please see the REVIEWS page (top menu) for all the wonderful reviews and feedback for SANTA GOES ON STRIKE - which includes some very famous people too! Thanks to them for their replies! Much appreciated. Odd that strangers show more interest than local media or bookshops here in Swansea, but I guess that explains why we didn't win CITY OF CULTURE for 2021. Well done Coventry - you deserve it.
I shall be promoting SANTA GOES ON STRIKE in the run-up to Chrismas 2019 due to popular demand and the wonderful reviews. Signings at branches of WH Smith, definitely - updates nearer the time. But probably Swansea, Llanelli, Carmarthen, maybe Cardiff, possibly even branches in England. Watch this space.
Out 31st August 2017, A CAT CALLED DOG 2 - THE ONE WITH THE KITTENS was finally published.
If in the UK, buy it here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cat-Called-Dog-One-Kittens/dp/1786293382/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1504178160&sr=8-7&keywords=Jem+Vanston
Or here: http://www.austinmacauley.com/book/cat-called-dog-2-one-kittens
Suitable for both children and adults. No need to read the first book to understand and enjoy this one. Excellent reviews in Cat World, The Bookbag, NetGalley etc.
Or order from your bookshop. ALSO available at UK libraries - after SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE this is my most borrowed book from them, in the 2023-24 year (just got my PLR stat form!)
If in USA or outside UK, your own country's Amazon will be stocking it.
Jem Vanston AKA PJ Vanston is also author of the satirical campus novel Crump (Troubador:2010), cat lover novel A Cat Called Dog (Troubador:2013), plus the illustrated children's/crossover version of A Cat Called Dog (Austin Macauley:2015) - and A Cat Called Dog 2 (out 31/8/2017). Occasional writer of short stories and winner of prizes too. Author of Christmas picture book (for all ages) Santa Goes On Strike (2018).
I'm also a published song writer (music and lyrics) and musician (piano/keyboards/bass guitar), and have written over 100 songs. Listen to some of my demos here: https://soundcloud.com/user-217675148
PJ Vanston is the author of a new scathing satire on the television industry, the BBC and reality TV: Rasmus - a television tale (Troubador: October 2016). This may soon be optioned by the biggest film agency in the USA. Order via Amazon:
http://www.troubador.co.uk/book_info.asp?bookid=4061 (author page)
REVIEW (4 stars!) here: http://www.thebookbag.co.uk/reviews/index.php?title=Rasmus:_A_Television_Tale_by_PJ_Vanston
To order the illustrated children's version of A Cat Called Dog by Jem Vanston, please use the following information:
Paperback (£6.99) ISBN: 9781784559595
Hardback (£12.99) ISBN: 9781784559618
Also available in all decent national book shops now.
The original 2013 edition of A Cat Called Dog can be purchased here:
To hear radio interviews click on the sound files on the left side of this webpage:
My first novel - a dark campus satire called Crump - is sold out of paperback (hurrah!) but still available in e-book format + still selling:
A sequel will be out in 2020/2021.
Here is my author page on one of my publishers' websites: