My Life Thus Far

I was born and brought up near London (in Dartford, Kent), but now live in Swansea, South Wales, (my grandfather's city), where I am slave to two rescue cats, Honey and Bumble.


I am, by turns, a novelist, poet, children's writer, songwriter, arranger/producer, screenwriter, features journalist, publisher, editor, film producer, activist, campaigner, cat fan and entrepreneur - and somehow I manage to scrape a living. The BBC once said that I was 'good at comedy', and an 'accomplished writer', so it must be true...


I am at present developing a range of writing projects, but have just finished my psychological Nazi crime thriller (intended to be a best-seller first of a series via a major publisher!) so editing the first draft gets all my focus now. I have also written a psychological thriller about an obsessive female cyberstalker and am editing those 80,000 words now. Very authentic - inspired by my lived experience. Moreover, I have several novels planned, sketched out, so they are taking shape - three in detail. I work on short stories too and will submit some to major competitions in time.


I also have several Middle Grade children's books in development (I have two such books in-hand, completed, revised, tweaked, ready to be published). Plenty of screenplay, TV pilot, radio drama treatments too - from comedy to crime (police corruption female psychopath story), a short multi-lingual multi-ethnic short Christmas film set in Cardiff too. 


My mum was Welsh (born in Carmarthen, grew up there and in Bridgend, then lived in Swansea where her father's family were from, they were smiths in the Vivian copper works; her mother was from a poor family, her dad a market trader of cloth bought from the richer bits of their weaving family, no doubt due to all the sheep in Wales).


My father was Flemish from Belgium with a former maid as a mother and a post office accounts class father (though probably with a German Jewish biological father he never met, I think a doctor, and my grandmother was a maid so maybe he was her employer in Limburg, Belgium, where my father was born in 1921...) He came to the UK in the early 1950s (after living under the Nazis for 4 years, 1 in hiding on a farm to avoid Speer's call-up for workers).


And so, I have largely Welsh and Flemish/Belgian, with a bit of English, and possibly German, ancestry. I've lived in four different countries - incl Czechia, (Prague) and Greece (Crete) - so I tend to be internationalist in my thinking. I speak - or, rather, understand -several European languages. 


My overactive imagination and creativity developed early as my only escape from a challenging childhood in a very stressful single parent family with money worries and more, living with a stutter/speech impediment as a kid (as depicted in my as-yet unpublished middle grade novel DINOSAUR JOE). 


As a boy I told myself stories a lot (my late mother once told me she used to stand outside the door of my bedroom or the bathroom and listen to me tell them to myself...), and wrote my first full song aged 14 (composed music from age 12). I have used bits of my childhood poems in my books. One such poem is in RASMUS -  A TELEVISION TALE, my reality TV novel which got interest from the biggest film agency in the USA (LA) in 2017, and which SQUID GAME resembles very closely which I am sure is TOTAL coincidence...THOUGH the writer of the original screenplay just got a lump sum from Netflix for signing his rights away - he gets NO fees or percentage after that. Gosh, what a bum deal! Btw That poem in RASMUS was written when I was about 8. Now in print. For evermore...


I always have a multitude of creative ideas bubbling under my usual serene and calm swan-like elegant exterior (LOL!). Coming up with ideas has never EVER been an issue for me. The way many creative courses teach students how to come up with ideas baffles me - I just do not get it at all. They may as well be talking Klingon. It comes naturally to me. Writing them up is what takes time.


So, I always have loads of ideas for novels, short stories, kids' books, screenplays, poems, songs etc. I always have had. Not a problem for me, instinctive. Natural born author.


But my versatility as an author may well count against me. If I just chose genre fiction (romance, crime fiction) and stuck to that, building an ebook list, no doubt sales would be higher. But I am who I am and I write what I write, on my 'journey' (or struggle...). But hey, I focus 100% on that journey and have faith in my creativity. I have NO ambition to write trash, the sort of short eBook genre novels on Goodreads etc a lot. I'd rather not write at all tbh.


I was educated at Dartford Grammar School, various London colleges and the University of Sheffield. I have a degree in English literature, a PGCE-PCET teaching qualification, a TESOL Cambridge Certificate (grade A), a Music technology national certificate, and LCCI management, ecommerce and marketing qualifications. Like many journalists, I know a little about a lot of things and am a generalist - though I do have areas of expertise too (e.g. education, media, cats, dinosaurs, history, The Second World War/Nazis..)

I am a (former) college teacher/lecturer/private tutor and occasional freelance journalist (for TNT/Southern Cross, Your Cat, The Cat, The Guardian and local press), but mainly make a living now via my own online editing and proof reading agency. 


I'm also a songwriter. Free listening to some of my tracks here:


I have been a campaigner for a better Welsh NHS + other causes, especially improved male healthcare, a very underfunded and ignored area. I was a participant in, and contributor to,  the late Ann Clwyd MP's report on the NHS complaints system 2013 (commissioned by David Cameron) - the soundbite "the default setting of the NHS complaints system is one of delay, deny and defend" was coined by me and used to promote the report across all TV and news media. I was featured on ITV News at Ten, ITV Wales News (2013 and 2014) and BBC Radio 4's World at One talking about that campaign from my very own 'lived experience'. Fame at last! AND watch this space for a new national news story coming this year... All about anti-Semitism.


I'm a fearless supporter of freedom of speech and expression, something under real threat in society these overly-authoritarian days of our New Puritan Age complete with our woke pc gestapo. I used to say the UK was sleepwalking into a police state. I take that back - we are here already. 1984 is here and now. I am prepared to walk the walk too, not just talk the talk - I fight for liberty and the right to offend, always, as Rowan Atkinson said. I agree 100% and shame on others for not speaking out to defend liberty and freedom of speech and expression INCLUDING the right to criticise, mock, lampoon, deride religion or any belief system. No-one is born Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Liberal Democrat, Socialist, Tory - so we have the right to criticise, mock, lampoon and laugh at THEM ALL. Islam is NOT a race - as UK police now seem to think, disgustingly. That is a can of worms I am helping to open. Honesty badly needed now, with all the #TwoTierPolicing, and brazen systemic anti-Semitism from the wilfully blind police. Lots of fun ahead... Watch this space.


I am a proud member of The Free Speech Union (thanks for their advice always) and AFAF (Academics for Academic Freedom), and, with them, am constantly fighting for the right to freedom of speech and expression. FREE SPEECH MATTERS. I would defend the free speech of anyone I disagree with too, except when it incites hatred and violence against people - as with so many of anti-Israel protests in our cities recently whose anti-Semitism is thinly masked. Shameful the way our new woke police turn a blind eye to such blatant racism and law-breaking, and then arrest people for defending Jews against racists online. Just disgusting. A can of worms my free press newshound mates can open in the coming months...Thanks guys!


I'm also a member of The Society of Authors and The British Czech and Slovak Association (who kindly awarded my short story The Prague Violin a nice cash prize). 


For me, being creative (otherwise known as 'making stuff up'), whether with words or music, is the most wonderful thing in the world. I enjoy nothing more, the buzz of it. And I am good at it too which helps. As far back as I remember, I was inventing stories and characters and creating - it's  instinctive for me. Then honed by years of hard work and dedication - that bit is THE CRAFT to add to the ART which is there in me already.


I now own and run my own micro-publishing business, TWO FAT CATS PUBLISHING, via which I publish my new books (and retain full control and copyright as a result; and can see ALL sales information in detail always). My well-received collection of poetry, 'The Loved Ones', was published via TWO FAT CATS. Poetry is a minority sport, so sales are small, and most sales are direct from my in paperback form, but the poems are out there in the world now for evermore! I know they have been read at memorial services and used at schools, colleges and universities in the UK and all over the world (my books always do well in USA, and Scandinavia and Germany. No idea why, but thanks anyway!). Some of my pandemic poems are also in the National Library of Wales Covid archive collection and the Museum of London too, and libraries in the USA.


In March 2023, I published my 10th book since 2010: "The Nine Lives of Summer", a real emotional rollercoaster of a crossover adult fiction novel/middle grade children's book in which a main cat character lives through 9 lives & travels to a dozen countries with diverse characters and tales. This cat story will appeal to cat lovers too, not just kids, but they love it too - and CAN cope with deaths of cats in a story because it is A STORY. Watch BAMBI, or DUMBO or 101 DAMLATIONS - they are stories too. Anyone who claims this book or any kids' book with death in it is a threat and danger to children and can cause them and adults trauma is a certifiable babybrained loon, a truly deranged and demented moron, and someone who knows NOTHING about child development (not NORMAL or good child development anyway). As I always say, anyone who demands trigger warnings needs one, preferably tattooed onto their snowflake forewheads - so we can avoid them whenever possible! LOL. Fortunately, most readers are NOT like that. The odd one - and ODD is the word... Most are not.


THE NINE LIVES OF SUMMER is short and sweet, and so diverse - but that diversity is NOT tacked on solely to tick boxes, as so often these days, but integral to the world of the story and it springs from it and the characters, both feline and human.  All races, faiths are in there, in over a dozen countries. And to think, some loonytoon blagger online reviewer called it racist. WHA? Some people need help - meds or therapy, or a rubber room for the rest of their life maybe. LOL.


In the mean time, I'm honing and revising my Nazi crime thriller - I started to plan it in June 2021 and started to write in November 2022, finished first draft 3 July 2023. Hard work, this writing lark! DEDICATION and 100% commitment needed, and the resilience to survive rejection, bounce back and thrive. But a PROPER novel.


My writing always has something to say, and is always full of comedy, (yes, even in my Nazi crime thriller; yes, even in my Covid poems about death), even if very dark (just watch 'Hamlet' to see the comic scenes). Tragi-comedy maybe. My voice. Life is absurd, after all.


Definition of my life: making it up as I go along...and trying to enjoy the journey...while hoping for a better destination.

Some possibly interesting facts about me (in no particular order!)

1) I met Roald Dahl when I was around 9 in 1977 on a children's holiday (with the Puffin Club). I can't remember a thing he said, though - maybe because he looked so scary and imposing! Six foot four frame, skeletal facial features, sunken eyes with a piercing stare - that sort of thing. I hope he gets a statue in Cardiff soon.


2) I am apparently descended from the uncle and nephew team (surname: James) who wrote the Welsh national anthem in 1856. Also, I'm probably a cousin of Horatio Nelson via my great-great-grandfather Thomas Nelson of Burnham Thorpe - my only known English ancestor who married my grandmother's grandmother in Tanerdi, Wales in the very early 19th century, after travelling from East Anglia to west Wales as a journeyman weaver. So Anglo-Welsh with bells on then! British, I prefer. If the usual woke activists dare touch Nelson's statues, then it's war - and personal! And btw I am in a VERY small minority group, never having got a job or even work experience via a family member - how many people can claim that?


3) My father was arrested by the Nazis in occupied Belgium in the early 1940s. He spent a night in the cells as a slave - in latter stages of WWII, the Nazis under Armaments Minister Speer, started calling up male civlians in the Low Countries for slave labour in mines, factories etc. My father's sister's fiance/husband-to-be managed to get him out and away to the countryside, where he hid and worked on the land, before the British liberated Belgium in 1944. He then acted as PoW interpreter for the British army. He came to England in 1951 and worked for the NHS (why I was born and grew up in Dartford - my dad got a job in a hospital near there). The new Nazi crime thriller I am planning is a war story I have wanted to write for many years - and because of my family, I have 'skin in the game'. The Second World War is my family's 'lived experience'. And my father was a slave - for a day - then an outlaw. A real, live slave. One of many slaves in Nazi Europe until 1945. Forgotten slaves. But liberated by the British just like slaves in 1807. Sadly now the UK police resemble the pc gestapo, harassing people to suppress freedom of thought, freedom of speech, freedom of artistic expression. SHAME ON THEM. 1984 is here in the UK of 2024.


4) I visited the USSR in early 1979 when I was 11, with a school group - my mum taught Russian for a while at Dartford Girls Grammar School (she taught French there 1963-1980); she even translated Russian schoolbooks for a book called The Russian Version of the second World War (1976). While queueing in Moscow at Lenin's tomb, two Soviet soldiers approached and one pointed a gun at me. Ever so slightly worried (!), I called to my mum who was ahead of me in the queue and asked what they wanted; she told me to empty my duffel coat pockets. I did so, and the soldiers walked away stone-faced when they saw my woolly gloves. They thought I'd been hiding a camera to take a photo of that old waxwork Lenin - strictly forbidden at the time (though cameras went in after Gorbachev was leader). Oh those Russians! - as Boney M sang. Nobody's ever pointed a gun at me since, thankfully.


5) My mother's first cousin (so my first cousin once removed?) was a Mazda lighting company salesman called Tom Jones. He died in a head-on collision on 16 November 1964 (maybe fell asleep at the wheel). The man in the other car (a fibreglass snazzy on-trend TVR sports) died instantly. He was Dennis Spicer, a 29-year-old ventriloquist, pal of Ken Dodd (who has kindly written to me about him). Dennis Spicer was quite a big star then. He had performed at the Royal Variety Performance two weeks before his death (clip on YouTube) and was on the Ed Sullivan show five times between 1962 and 1964. Tragic. I spoke to Sir Ken Dodd about this backstage at Frome Theatre in April 2017. Memories of my meeting with Ken is on page 33 of the tribute book ABSENT FRIENDS (2018). Ken was godfather to Dennis Spicer's son but told me he had lost touch, which is a shame.


6) I am a published songwriter, (and arranger/producer), and in 2014 started writing and recording again after giving up playing music completely for 10 years and songwriting for longer; I hope others can record and perform my songs (I am no performer). I have stopped again now (2022) as it is too expensive. For now. I was a member of Sheffield Indie band Poisonous Little Creatures (1988-1990) until we imploded one night at The Leadmill. Happy(ish) days...


7) I was born at number 52 Denver Road, Dartford, Kent, England - someone called Michael Philip Jagger (later singer of The Rolling Stones) lived on that street at number 39 until he was aged 12 or so, about a decade before my family lived there. Keith Richards lived on the next street, Chastilian Road. Pop artist Peter Blake. perhaps most famous for doing the Beatles' Sgt Pepper sleeve design, also lived on Denver Road. Also, when I was at Dartford Grammar School (1979-84), I had the same English and Latin teachers as Master Michael Jagger, whose PE teacher dad taught at DGS. Rock n roll!


8) My TV debut was in 1978 when I was on Songs of Praise (at the time I was a choir boy at the ancient Holy Trinity church in Dartford town centre - which, frankly, was for me a solely mercenary activity and nothing to do with a love of religion or even music, at that age). I also remember watching, aged 6 or 7, Michael Crawford filming Some Mother's Do Have Em (back in the days TV comedy was funny) in Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey, Kent - in the one where Frank Spencer has a driving test and ends up driving off a jetty into the sea. TV is a monster... I spent a lot of my childhood on a caravan site in Sheerness, now a Tesco carpark, and fished for sticklebacks in the Napoleonic era moat. 


9) I was mentored by the late great comic writer David Nobbs, (writer of Reggie Perrin TV series and books, and so much else too), who I met first in 2009. He read my first novel Crump and said:


"I think you write very well and there's some beautiful satirical stuff"; "I think you create some really good and really funny characters, and you write very good dialogue." Wow! I mean, just, WOW!


He also gave constructive criticism which I deeply appreciated - if you're going to have your work critiqued, then having one of the very best comic writers (of novels and TV sketches) of the last 50 years do it isn't half bad. Always get the best!


Of A Cat Called Dog he said: "I did appreciate the quality of the writing and there were some very funny jokes. 'Missing, presumed fed.' Brilliant." He explained he didn't like animal books - only Winnie the Pooh - and encouraged me not to "abandon people books" for cat books. So I won't.


As a patron of the British Humanist Association, David Nobbs didn't believe in a fluffy-clouded heaven or life after death. But he was wrong - because he lives on not only in the TV comedies and novels that so many enjoy, but also in the many writers - like me - that he was gracious and patient enough to mentor. He showed a generosity of spirit perhaps rare in those who have reached the very top of their professions - especially TV, an industry well known to turn even the meekest and most pleasant of men (and women) into monsters.


Thank you David. RIP.



10) Oh, and finally, I can never do anything without making a list first! Without one I feel, sort of, listless...






COMING SOON: my new psychological thriller about a deranged maniac psychowoman cyberstalker who obsessively pursues and targets an innocent author with a malicious prolonged hate campaign motivated by bare twisted vindictive revenge, enabled and aided by corrupt racist police.

Think MISERY meets BABY REINDEER meets BRIGHTON ROCK. Yes, really! Perfect for a TV or film adaptation too


Watch this space in 2025/6 and beyond! 


I am proud to announce that my 10th published book, The Nine Lives of Summer, my new crossover cat story for ALL ages, was published 1st March 2023 via Two Fat Cats Publishing - on the 10th anniversay of the publication of my much-loved cat novel A Cat Called Dog. Top reviews:


"A heart-warming tale with a life-affirming message." 


"Often funny, sometimes, sad, always hopeful."


This richly diverse crossover story for both kids AND adults is a life-affirming, hopeful read an exciting emotional rollercoaster which really does move & touch so many readers, makes them laugh and cry, or so they tell me in fanmail!


The story starts in Syria, where the war forces a family to flee, then travels to a dozen countries (Australia, India, Japan/China, Greenland, USA/Canada, Italy, Spain, Wales) through the nine lives of Summer, (and, logically, eight deaths), following the cat's adventures, joys and sorrows via a vast array of diverse cultures, settings and peoples. How anyone can claim it can traumatise readers and  promotes animal cruelty or racism is beyond me - some seriously disturbed people out there, projecting their problems onto my lovely storybook!


For review copies or interview requests, email or contact via Twitter @9LivesofSummer or via this author website.



My debut collection of poetry THE LOVED ONES - A COLLECTION OF PANDEMIC POEMS ABOUT LOVE AND LOSS was published 9 April 2022. It comprises 54 poems; including 10 song lyrics with 9 online links to the demo recordings provided via links in the book. Two poems are in National Museum Covid Archives: POEM OF THE PLAGUE YEAR and TWENTY-TWENTY: A YEAR IN THE LIFE, which was featured on Swansea TV and was called 'poignant' by a representative of Her Majesty the Queen.


Available online worldwide, Amazon etc,  or in Harrisons, Uplands and Cover to Cover, Mumbles, or from me direct (most of my poem book sales happen that way). As owner of TWO FAT CATS publishing, I can see via wonderful digital data who has (& who has not) bought the ebook or read digital pages of it, when, and also where they are. Yup.


So, ignore the malicious revenge reviews on Goodreads and Amazon by a sad hateful reviewer who I can prove has not even read the book. The prolonged obsessive hate campaign aimed at me by a deeply deranged cyberstalker individual for over a year incl 10,000 words of abuse on MY book pages (4 of them) on Goodreads (who failed to remove the defamatory abuse, despite it breaking their own rules), Amazon (ditto)& Twitter has been insane, disturbing, and has caused me alarm and distress which WILL be paid for, I guarantee it.


On the plus side, this malicious unprovoked obsessive vengeful attack has inspired the female stalker novel HARMS I'm writing at the moment! The law and the media will expose this all in future, as defamation and hate campaigns of bullying, harassment and bare malicious revenge. Not on, and not legal. WATCH THIS SPACE. Justice is coming, folks!


"THINKING TIME - 365 Inspiring, Amusing and Thought-provoking quotes to get you through the year" (2021),  my diverse quote book, still sells a load on eBook every year, worldwide.  Intelligent Mindfulness, yes, but also with funny, insightful, INTELLIGENT quotes from individuals from throughout history up to the present day . To dip into, read through or use for mindfulness daily, or for education (no goo goo gaga fluffy slushy quote book this). An educated quote book a cut above most of the rest (I hate slushy psychobabble woowoo quote books). Still sells well worldwide in eBook format with no promotion from me at all.


On 28th March 2020 my satirical campus/Brexit novel was published - my 7th book. SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE ('Crump 2') is a real epic - funny, moving and timely. A state of the nation novel which has something to say. "A brilliant satire of wokery at UK universities and cancel culture", which predicts so much (riots etc). Called "A masterpiece" by Professor Eric Kaufman. Probably my best-written novel too. Unfortunately published in the same week as Pandemic Lockdown SO that scuppered that then - such is life! I am stoical about such things because the book EXISTS and will do for evermore as a novel of our times. LIFE now is imitating art - I deal with campus anti-Semitism and more in this novel. But together with its prequel CRUMP (2010) it is a classic campus novel all interested in the genre just have to read.


My satirical novels CORRECTLY predicted the RIOTS in the UK, 2011 and 2024, growing anti-Semitism and Islamist extremism too - life definitely apeing art. CRUMP (2010); RASMUS (2016, a reality TV novel); CRUMP 2 - SOMEWHERE IN EUROPE (2020) are a loose trilogy, a real STATE OF THE NATION triumph, as one reviewer stated. Read them and weep, and laugh, and cry, or be triggered into tamping like a boohoo baby if you want. LOL! Your choice.


If you'd like to get in touch, please just email:


Twitter: @acatcalleddog 

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